I see that Google has a snazzy new favicon. If you don't know what a favicon is, it's the miniature (16x16 pixels to be precise), customizable logo right in front of the site name in your bookmarks (favorites), or along the bookmark toolbar above the main window if you use that. Even shortcuts from the Windows quick-launch area if you use that! Not sure about the docks in OS X or Vista - whether they use the custom site icon or the generic browser icon.
"Fav(orites)icon" - Get it?
Anyways, it looks like this (old and new comparison):
Ok, so this was one of the more pointless blog entries I've done. Hey, I'm only human. Besides, as an amateur graphic designer and typographer, I notice these things.
you would notice those things and i like to be informed. i like the steaming Turd - very unique and fits MS to a "T". I'll keep my eyes open for those favicons from now on!
LOL - glad someone caught that ;-)
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