Saturday, January 31
Mars is red.
No, I mean really, really red. For some reason tonight it looked like a tiny round fire engine up in the sky. It wasn't a little spot with a hint of orange or red, or yellowish-red - it was RED. Like the Terminator's eye after he cuts the humanoid eye out with a scalpel.
Why was it so red? I have no idea. But if tomorrow night is anything like tonight, look somewhere between the south and southeast, fairly low on the horizon at about 11:30 or midnight (directly on the opposite side of the sky from Orion if your internal compass doesn't work too well), and believe me, you'll have no trouble finding it. It's the really red dot.
Speaking of Orion, if you look down a way and a bit left of the belt, outside the four main stars that make the his shoulders and knees, you'll see a really bright star that's a bit bluish, but more bright white than anything. You might even mistake it for a planet. I'm looking this star up right now to see which one it is - at first I thought it might be Jupiter given the brightness, but it was the wrong color (Jupiter is yellowish), and more tellingly, it twinkled. Stars twinkle, planets don't.
I'm pretty sure the star I'm seeing is Sirius, because a) I know Sirius is bluish-white, being about twice as massive as the sun and an amazing 22 times more luminous were you to view the two side-by-side from the same distance. It's usually the brightest star in the sky besides the sun, the only things brighter being the moon, Venus, and sometimes Mars and Jupiter; and b) I know Sirius is in the vicinity of Orion because of the myth of Orion the hunter and his dog Sirius (hence its nickname, "the dog star." In fact, the more I think about the position it was in the more certain I am it is in fact Sirius and not some other giant like Algol, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Arcturus, or Deneb, all of which are in the wrong part of the sky and are of a different hue.
I'm embarrassed to admit that despite knowing a great deal about cosmology and astrophysics from a theoretical standpoint - how and why stars form, their journey in time along the "main sequence," and their ultimate fate, which depends solely upon their mass (white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole), and despite understanding in fairly profound terms the way the Universe as a whole has expanded from a singularity - the Big Bang - to its evolution into the myriad of galaxy clusters and superclusters, each galaxy itself swarming with billions of suns and untold numbers of planets orbiting those suns, and how dark matter and supermassive black holes combine to gravitationally sculpt galaxies into spirals and ellipses, and even how a mysterious force known as dark energy, applied by astronomers for lack of a better term, seems over cosmic distances to act as a sort of antigravity - a repulsive force which is actually speeding up the expansion of the Universe and may ultimately rip apart the fabric of spacetime and atoms themselves until all that's left is a soup of different 'flavored' quarks, which may or may not then condense back into a singularity and trigger a new Big Bang; despite all this, I'm actually a rather poor observational astronomer. I struggle with anything beyond the basic dozen or so constellations and the five naked-eye planets and a few globular clusters and conspicuous nebulae, such as M31 (our neighbor the Andromeda Galaxy). I have friends who are much more practically knowledgeable about the night sky, and can tell you the name of nearly everything you ask about, but lack insight (or interest) into why and how that sky got to be the way it is.
I liken it to people who collect beetles or butterflies or keep a birdwatching checklist - people who are compelled just to "collect" and show off their knowledge of nomenclature and maybe even some cladistics, but without any deeper understanding into the mechanistic operation of evolution via natural selection, driven by genes, which has brought about these objects of their affection. They just want to collect and be an expert in an esoteric field, like the 'naturalists' and 'antiquarians' of years past, without bothering to construct and rationalize for themselves a synthesis of the ideas and processes operating behind the curtain, so to speak, which brings all these amazing things we see around us into being. I've always been more interested in the fundamental theories than being able to identify a star for someone who asks me about it, though I'd be pleased as punch to have that kind of knowledge too. But that's encyclopedic knowledge, and I don't have a particular gift for it. I'm ok, average. But it's always bored me to just memorize star patterns, or the binomial latin names of animals, or common names of garden trees and plants. I don't dismiss the need for names for all these things, an orderly system for constructing family trees, and people who know those conceptual trees' branches and twigs intimately. It takes all sorts, right? My interests and talents just lie in the more fundamental processes that create those trees in the first place; again, in the hows and whys rather than the what.
That being said, I do have a few astronomical tidbits to offer you. My mom and I noticed the other day that the crescent moon and Venus just after sunset were very close together, reminiscent of the Turkish flag. I know that the French word "croissant" literally means "crescent" (which makes sense looking at the baked item it describes), but that these were invented and named only after Romanian, Hungarian, French, and other European forces halted the advanced of the Ottoman Turks under Suleyman the Great, and thus the spreading of Islam, into Europe via a series of extremely bloody battles during which unspeakable atrocities were committed by both sides. The legend of Dracula ties into this period, as do other tales, but it's somewhat ironic that the modern Turkish flag features the crescent moon and Venus emblem, when supposedly that particular astronomical configuration was present in the sky on the night when their forces were finally routed in battle by a determined though uneasy alliance of Christian fiefdoms. Perhaps it's all just a tale made up by the victors, and the flag was already formed long before, and the French simply mocked their defeat by baking crescent-shaped bread rolls. Who knows.
But if you want to see Venus and the crescent moon together (though at the moment, Venus is actually below the moon, somewhat ruining the effect), these next couple days are your last chance until sometime in 2010.
Also, I've heard that Saturn will be more prominent than usual this year, especially in March, though I don't know any details on why that will be - whether it's because Saturn will be at perihelion (its closest approach to the sun) or simply on the same side of the Sun as the Earth during that time, making it appear closer and brighter. I'll have to read up on that. Lastly, to my eyes the Pleiades seem brighter than usual when the moon is new or not yet risen... I can plainly see six of the seven "sisters" with just my eyes, and with a moderate pair of binoculars I counted no less than thirteen daughters of Atlas the other night in that open star cluster in Taurus, something which the Greeks who named them would be quite puzzled to know!
Anyway, that's my attempt at an astronomy report for the evening. I hope you get out under a dark sky and look at all those tiny balls of burning gas and realize that it's not some pretty backdrop or Hollywood effect - that those stars and planets and satellites are really there, and that amazingly over such immensely vast distances you can actually look and see them directly with your own eyes, without the aid of any technology to abstract the matter. I still trip out when I realize this, even when staring at the moon and realizing it's this giant sphere actually right out there in the sky, falling around the earth, reflecting sunlight, and that people from this planet have walked around on it. That, to me, is astounding. Who needs fiction when the natural world is so full of wonder?
No, I mean really, really red. For some reason tonight it looked like a tiny round fire engine up in the sky. It wasn't a little spot with a hint of orange or red, or yellowish-red - it was RED. Like the Terminator's eye after he cuts the humanoid eye out with a scalpel.
Why was it so red? I have no idea. But if tomorrow night is anything like tonight, look somewhere between the south and southeast, fairly low on the horizon at about 11:30 or midnight (directly on the opposite side of the sky from Orion if your internal compass doesn't work too well), and believe me, you'll have no trouble finding it. It's the really red dot.
Speaking of Orion, if you look down a way and a bit left of the belt, outside the four main stars that make the his shoulders and knees, you'll see a really bright star that's a bit bluish, but more bright white than anything. You might even mistake it for a planet. I'm looking this star up right now to see which one it is - at first I thought it might be Jupiter given the brightness, but it was the wrong color (Jupiter is yellowish), and more tellingly, it twinkled. Stars twinkle, planets don't.
I'm pretty sure the star I'm seeing is Sirius, because a) I know Sirius is bluish-white, being about twice as massive as the sun and an amazing 22 times more luminous were you to view the two side-by-side from the same distance. It's usually the brightest star in the sky besides the sun, the only things brighter being the moon, Venus, and sometimes Mars and Jupiter; and b) I know Sirius is in the vicinity of Orion because of the myth of Orion the hunter and his dog Sirius (hence its nickname, "the dog star." In fact, the more I think about the position it was in the more certain I am it is in fact Sirius and not some other giant like Algol, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Arcturus, or Deneb, all of which are in the wrong part of the sky and are of a different hue.
I'm embarrassed to admit that despite knowing a great deal about cosmology and astrophysics from a theoretical standpoint - how and why stars form, their journey in time along the "main sequence," and their ultimate fate, which depends solely upon their mass (white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole), and despite understanding in fairly profound terms the way the Universe as a whole has expanded from a singularity - the Big Bang - to its evolution into the myriad of galaxy clusters and superclusters, each galaxy itself swarming with billions of suns and untold numbers of planets orbiting those suns, and how dark matter and supermassive black holes combine to gravitationally sculpt galaxies into spirals and ellipses, and even how a mysterious force known as dark energy, applied by astronomers for lack of a better term, seems over cosmic distances to act as a sort of antigravity - a repulsive force which is actually speeding up the expansion of the Universe and may ultimately rip apart the fabric of spacetime and atoms themselves until all that's left is a soup of different 'flavored' quarks, which may or may not then condense back into a singularity and trigger a new Big Bang; despite all this, I'm actually a rather poor observational astronomer. I struggle with anything beyond the basic dozen or so constellations and the five naked-eye planets and a few globular clusters and conspicuous nebulae, such as M31 (our neighbor the Andromeda Galaxy). I have friends who are much more practically knowledgeable about the night sky, and can tell you the name of nearly everything you ask about, but lack insight (or interest) into why and how that sky got to be the way it is.
I liken it to people who collect beetles or butterflies or keep a birdwatching checklist - people who are compelled just to "collect" and show off their knowledge of nomenclature and maybe even some cladistics, but without any deeper understanding into the mechanistic operation of evolution via natural selection, driven by genes, which has brought about these objects of their affection. They just want to collect and be an expert in an esoteric field, like the 'naturalists' and 'antiquarians' of years past, without bothering to construct and rationalize for themselves a synthesis of the ideas and processes operating behind the curtain, so to speak, which brings all these amazing things we see around us into being. I've always been more interested in the fundamental theories than being able to identify a star for someone who asks me about it, though I'd be pleased as punch to have that kind of knowledge too. But that's encyclopedic knowledge, and I don't have a particular gift for it. I'm ok, average. But it's always bored me to just memorize star patterns, or the binomial latin names of animals, or common names of garden trees and plants. I don't dismiss the need for names for all these things, an orderly system for constructing family trees, and people who know those conceptual trees' branches and twigs intimately. It takes all sorts, right? My interests and talents just lie in the more fundamental processes that create those trees in the first place; again, in the hows and whys rather than the what.
That being said, I do have a few astronomical tidbits to offer you. My mom and I noticed the other day that the crescent moon and Venus just after sunset were very close together, reminiscent of the Turkish flag. I know that the French word "croissant" literally means "crescent" (which makes sense looking at the baked item it describes), but that these were invented and named only after Romanian, Hungarian, French, and other European forces halted the advanced of the Ottoman Turks under Suleyman the Great, and thus the spreading of Islam, into Europe via a series of extremely bloody battles during which unspeakable atrocities were committed by both sides. The legend of Dracula ties into this period, as do other tales, but it's somewhat ironic that the modern Turkish flag features the crescent moon and Venus emblem, when supposedly that particular astronomical configuration was present in the sky on the night when their forces were finally routed in battle by a determined though uneasy alliance of Christian fiefdoms. Perhaps it's all just a tale made up by the victors, and the flag was already formed long before, and the French simply mocked their defeat by baking crescent-shaped bread rolls. Who knows.
But if you want to see Venus and the crescent moon together (though at the moment, Venus is actually below the moon, somewhat ruining the effect), these next couple days are your last chance until sometime in 2010.
Also, I've heard that Saturn will be more prominent than usual this year, especially in March, though I don't know any details on why that will be - whether it's because Saturn will be at perihelion (its closest approach to the sun) or simply on the same side of the Sun as the Earth during that time, making it appear closer and brighter. I'll have to read up on that. Lastly, to my eyes the Pleiades seem brighter than usual when the moon is new or not yet risen... I can plainly see six of the seven "sisters" with just my eyes, and with a moderate pair of binoculars I counted no less than thirteen daughters of Atlas the other night in that open star cluster in Taurus, something which the Greeks who named them would be quite puzzled to know!
Anyway, that's my attempt at an astronomy report for the evening. I hope you get out under a dark sky and look at all those tiny balls of burning gas and realize that it's not some pretty backdrop or Hollywood effect - that those stars and planets and satellites are really there, and that amazingly over such immensely vast distances you can actually look and see them directly with your own eyes, without the aid of any technology to abstract the matter. I still trip out when I realize this, even when staring at the moon and realizing it's this giant sphere actually right out there in the sky, falling around the earth, reflecting sunlight, and that people from this planet have walked around on it. That, to me, is astounding. Who needs fiction when the natural world is so full of wonder?
Wednesday, January 28
Once seemingly reduced to a punchline to a joke, Al Gore has impressed me over the years since he lost the election he won by not becoming a bitter recluse, but continuing to fight for the environment, which he does seem to actually care about. Sure, he's a politician at heart and always will be, but I wish to hell he had been elected in 2000 rather than Bush, and at the time of that controversy, I didn't necessarily think that way. Anyways, whatever you think of Gore the politician or the man, consider this site, endorsed by him but created by a groundswell of concerned citizens:
And the details of this seeming far-fetched plan?
It seems nice and tidy, though I've just begun to read the technical details. I'm a naturally suspicious (but hopeful) person, and being of a scientific bent I'm greatly interested to find out how exactly we can achieve completely clean power within the meager span of 10 years, as they claim. Surely if it was that easy it would be underway? Well, perhaps not, since the petroleum industry and its lobbyists tend to thwart anything like this at every step.
Nonetheless, even a partial accomplishment of a goal like this is far better than no progress toward energy independence and greatly reduced carbon emissions. Believe me, I was one of the last holdouts on the reality of global warming, knowing something about the sun's natural cycles, the role sunspots play in climate as evidenced in ice cores containing samples of ancient atmospheres, the earth's geological past which saw both extreme ice ages and world-wide tropical conditions alike. But even I at last had to admit that what we are currently experiencing in just a few decades, and now seemingly each year, cannot be explained by nature alone. It's at least contributed to if not wholly caused by human activity, I now believe.
Anyway, like I was saying, cleaning up our act and modernizing our energy procurement, management, and emissions cannot possibly be a bad thing. At least check it out, even if you're not American. No one's forcing you to do anything. It's just a choice we all have and if enough people get involved even a little bit, maybe we can counteract those gas company lobyists and compel our politicians to put plans like this into practice. Thanks.
Once seemingly reduced to a punchline to a joke, Al Gore has impressed me over the years since he lost the election he won by not becoming a bitter recluse, but continuing to fight for the environment, which he does seem to actually care about. Sure, he's a politician at heart and always will be, but I wish to hell he had been elected in 2000 rather than Bush, and at the time of that controversy, I didn't necessarily think that way. Anyways, whatever you think of Gore the politician or the man, consider this site, endorsed by him but created by a groundswell of concerned citizens:
And the details of this seeming far-fetched plan?
It seems nice and tidy, though I've just begun to read the technical details. I'm a naturally suspicious (but hopeful) person, and being of a scientific bent I'm greatly interested to find out how exactly we can achieve completely clean power within the meager span of 10 years, as they claim. Surely if it was that easy it would be underway? Well, perhaps not, since the petroleum industry and its lobbyists tend to thwart anything like this at every step.
Nonetheless, even a partial accomplishment of a goal like this is far better than no progress toward energy independence and greatly reduced carbon emissions. Believe me, I was one of the last holdouts on the reality of global warming, knowing something about the sun's natural cycles, the role sunspots play in climate as evidenced in ice cores containing samples of ancient atmospheres, the earth's geological past which saw both extreme ice ages and world-wide tropical conditions alike. But even I at last had to admit that what we are currently experiencing in just a few decades, and now seemingly each year, cannot be explained by nature alone. It's at least contributed to if not wholly caused by human activity, I now believe.
Anyway, like I was saying, cleaning up our act and modernizing our energy procurement, management, and emissions cannot possibly be a bad thing. At least check it out, even if you're not American. No one's forcing you to do anything. It's just a choice we all have and if enough people get involved even a little bit, maybe we can counteract those gas company lobyists and compel our politicians to put plans like this into practice. Thanks.
Saturday, January 24
Mastodon, unlovely thing
Woe betide you in the modern world
Your flanks are ancient and sagging
Your tail drags
And you shift this way and that
Over matters of no importance.
I'm reminded of Pablo Neruda,
Deluded and ever ready for a fight.
Even his best friend Paz was afraid
Of the thing he had become.
And his beautiful, terrifying verse
Served to channel all he'd done.
Art, you Faustian comrade
I hate you but am at your mercy
Insofar as you aspire to philosophy
I will hate you with a fervor,
For paint and music are lovely things
Which children cling to forever.
Friday, January 23
Tired of being sick
Sick of being tired
Why does my brain act this way,
Turning off and on everyday
And everything scarily wears away
Till I feel like I'm floating in sky
Why, God, why? Tell me!!
Why? Why? Why?!?!
My neck hurts and my mind hurts
And my stomach hurts and my life hurts
And there's no escape but darkness
So I scrape along, I'll hurt people
Either way, if I stay, pray for me
If I die today
They'll cry, then try
To move along and stay strong
And if I'm wrong and 'happy' is a
Choice you make, like some say,
Then why can't I make it?
Why can't I do anything at all?
I feel paralized, watch my body
From the opposite wall
Plus I ain't done shit since I was
Timid and small
It's hell, I've been through hell
And there I dwell in silence
Rank, vile place with the stank of
Mindless, senseless but somehow
Necessary cursory blindness
Behind this sham of mental rage and violence
Metal cage, keep me from the world, I'm mindless
Too many days searching for a way to
Rewind this, live again, pick it up at
8 years old. Was even that too old?
Was the air cold yet from fruitless,
Tireless kindess, reminders
From most of the people I love
Keep your head up, one day you'll turn out
Wise and on the short list and
Exceedingly tough
But I'm none of these things,
I'm a complete, Class 5 disaster
Who cannot move, let alone pursue what
I'm after, like women, what a dream-
In truth I'm just a decent actor.
They'd hate me if I didn't bring them laughter
But it's not funny to me,
Feel like a clown with no smile,
And it's been awhile
Since I could look at a child
And indentify with that life.
So long, I contend it was another life.
And was the only reason for being
And why we return to remember it,
Late in our days, to comfort the soul
But it's like some Germanic myth
These days thally and dioxin seem Gifts
I could gladly accept, if only I could overcome
What must be the inertia of a thousand suns
Collapsed past the point of darkness,
That fly through our bodies and are gone.
So can I "just move on"?
Every morning I groan, I can't think straight,
Every idea seems ridiculous
When I'm so bound by indecision to a hideous mess
When I finally meet my death
And I don't know if I want to, it's the same story
I'm tired of even repeating the same thing
To a a tiny audience who mill in shame
And wish they could help, but at the same time,
I feel I'm rightfully to blame -
I must have done something, I was hit with
Every frivolous game bearing a straight face
But wait, I'm feeling human once again
Guess I'll make a go of it now?
This is so different-
Point me at he sky and tell me how.
Thursday, January 22
No one
Should have to journey so far into fear
That he becomes desperate.
No one should hear his own mind
Saying only
Horrible things, always.
Or be afraid of his dreams so deeply
That sleep provides no relief,
No chance to reset;
It just keeps going
Until that voice drives you mad
Or you unattach if you can.
No one
Should have to face the decision.
That awful, ugly decision.
But I am alone
And cold in my heart.
If I can nevermore
Run this mile,
I wish I could gain my feet again
And stumble to the finish line
For some kind of closure.
Saturday, January 17
Leonardo, that old trickster!
First he's got John the Baptist relaxing amidst the roots of a tree in a perfect imitation of the Roman god of pleasure and excess, Bacchus. Next he's got him as an infant actually blessing Jesus Christ whilst Mary and and the archangel Uriel use a little hand-signalling to seemingly foretell his doom (beheading).
Always obsessed with The Baptist, that guy, and paganism, and... well, most things that were contrary to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Always exploring alchemy and Hermeticism, taking money to paint commissions for the true believers in the religion he despised and giving them back heretical pieces they never seem to realize were such.
Clever, gay, Leonardo.
Friday, January 16
1,500th Post.
News & Tidbits.
I'm looking to move my blog to a better host, or else try to figure out CSS (style sheets) + XHTML so I can use my own fonts and large-element formatting (like what appears in the sidebars, the width of the blog, a better archiving system for easier access to past posts, and so on). Anyone knowing anything on the subject please contact me with advice. As usual I'm always doing my own research, but it would be nice to talk with someone who's already macheted their way through this before.
In particular I want to be able to host multimedia files of all types without too much fuss, to specify my own screen fonts (or descending list, if need be), and to control as many aspects of the look and feel of the blog as possible, so it doesn't look like anyone else's out there, and so I can do many more interesting things with it, including have music, video, interactive bits (flash or flex), beautifully and precisely laid out and presented text and pictures that don't appear just vertically in a bland roll call... an innovative navigation system...
I'm starting a water-only fast today. In fact I've already started. I'm going to purify myself and lose weight and see God. Speaking of which...
Someday I'll post on pre-Abrahamic religions and the nearly universal presence of the Goddess and Godman (duality) that existed across "pagan" cultures worldwide. Osiris, Mithra, Dionysis, Lucifer in the true meaning of his name, Litlith, Nepit, ah hell...
Isis ~ Demeter ~ Arinna ~ Yemaya ~ Diana ~ Inanna ~ Ishtar ~ Hecate ~ Brigid ~ Freyja ~ Nammu ~ Astarte ~ Sophia ~ AuLat ~ Maat ~ Minerva ~ Nut ~ Otohime ~ Hathor ~ Mawu ~ Aphrodite ~ Kanayama-hime ~ Luna ~ Kali Ma ~ Quan Yin ~ Selene ~ Kore ~ Amaterasu ~ Pandora ~ Medusa ~ Nathor ~ Venus ~ Gaia ~ Funadama ~ Sedna ~ Iris ~ Corn Mother ~ Dana ~ Kannon ~ Cerridwen ~ Irene ~ Macha ~ Rhiannon ~ Kishimo-jin ~ Hel ~ Mary ~ Benzai-Ten ~ Frigga ~ Vinca ~ Lady of the Beasts ~ Uba ~ Rowan ~ Artemis ~ Ma ~ Ki ~ Gabjauja ~ Lhamo ~ Amentet ~ Gabija ~ Laka ~ Selene ~ Allat ~ Uac Rapito ~ Pavasiya ~ Lahar ~Zemyna ~ Securitas ~ Sechat-Hor ~ Pandara ~ Saps ~ Rheia ~ Ma-Zu ~ Ran ~ Quiritus ~ Prende ~ Kishi-Bojin ~ Flora ~ Mayahuel ~ Chup-Kamui ~ Mafdet ~ Diti ~ Fauna ~ Aradia ~ Kaminari ~ Vaisgamta ~ Atabey ~ Pales ~ Zeme pati ~ Kaupuole ~ Rasyte ~ Marisha-Ten ~ Etc...
And these are just the female names for the duality of spirit. People used to value body, spirit, and mind equally, and aspire toward transcendence, not obedience.
Don't get it twisted up and believe in monotheistic religions who use these universal stories of morality for their own ends, villifying noble concepts about life and being, and making you forget your own equal place in the universe to bow in servitude to an overbearing God who demands your loyalty and constaint praise.
The world has literally gone mad since the old days, the old ways. The cities of Babylon have spread and brought a strange plague into the minds of men. Sophia has been forgotten. Knowledge lost. Are we bound to 'discover' it again only through science, and destroy ourselves in order to renew the cycle, or is there some way out this time?
I'll bet you never learned about the Book of Enoch in Sunday School.
Nor did you most likely learn about Gnosticism or Hermeticism, since these are "heresies" - but were once doctrines believed by just as many people as today's bizarre orthodox Christianity (even in its several forms).
In many or most ways, the ancient pagan 'beliefs' in natural forces personified were much more sophisticated than today's monotheistic-literalist's closed-minded views are. They understood (at least the 'initiates' or 'priests' did) that the antropomorpism they spoke about was metaphorical and, in essence, this was "the secret" at the heart of most 'mystery cults/religions' (i.e., paganistic beliefs) of ancient times - the revealing that the underlying order of Being was a natural world which operated according to mathematical and physical law - hence the great prevalence of astronomy and sacred geometry amongst the most educated members of these societies (think of the Egyptians or the Mayans or the Pythagoreans and the importance they places on numbers, directions, and time). The pantheons of gods these societies trotted out were for the masses to perhaps take literally, to assuage their fears about crops or illness or whatever, but the gnosis/sophia (Greek words meaning knowledge/wisdom) gained as far back as Sumer and Egypt and passed on to Greece and India and China and everywhere else, was that there were in fact NO gods, that the concept of divinity was within us all, as knowledge to be understood or indeed literally incorporated through study and meditation.
Sound like anything we value today? Science maybe? Buddhism or relaxation tapes and introspection? Runner's high or psychotrophic drugs or Aldous Huxley's 'perennial philosophy'? These ideas were present at the very dawn of civilization, when men and women first put down roots, and who knows how much earlier, given that Goddess and Phallic figurines have been unearthed dating to the Mesolithic at a time with modern human were still sharing Europe with Neandertals. Dualistic spiritualism recognizing our place within the environment in a real, natural sense without the gibberish of "parents in the sky" was the norm, it would seem. Animals aren't religious, and neither were ancient humans, though paradoxically as their technological sophistication grew, their belief in themselves dwindled, and they sought gods for answers to questions now had and could no longer provide satisfactory answers for themselves. It's possible that specialization of labor had much to do with this, as it led to a loss of feeling in control of one's own life. Think of the average cubicle dweller today - it's no wonder he or she might find solace in going to Church on Sunday (as long as it didn't overlap a critical football game), just to try to make sense of it all and have some peace of mind. With the power to live all aspects of life fully having been wrested from us, by allowing ourselves to be marginalized to the point of absurdity, we have perhaps lost our very sense of purpose in the process.
But the point is, the big experiment of Abrahamism: literal monotheism under a very male deity called either Yahweh, God, or Allah, has perverted the whole intellectual tradition of mankind and any progress toward understanding our place within nature ever since it began to take hold. It's very frustrating that it's only been in the past three or four hundred years, and even then only in certain shifting enclaves, that this lost wisdom eschewing supernaturalism or at least bringing it down to the level of pan-humanism and not placing it forever beyond our grasp in the province of a vengeful, special King, has finally seen the light of day again (at least in the West; the East has had a much more successful experience at beating away humiliating monotheism, though supersition is not free from that part of the world either).
Imagine if Jewish temples and synagogues had never existed; if Roman Catholicism had never existed; if Islam had never existed. With so many minds freed from preoccupation with that nonsense, how much more enlightened as a species would we be? How much better stewards of our planet would we be, understanding that this is it, there ain't no afterlife where everything is green and wonderful, so we'd better take care of the plants and animals and air and water of THIS world and make the most of THIS life. Or... maybe everyone would just end up godless capitalists and still act foolishly. Sometimes it's hard to believe in any evolved altruism in our species except for the odd individual who is truly selfless. Maybe if bioengineering is to not be scary and stratifying and the ultimate downfall of humanity, we will change our genes for aggression and exploitation into ones of compassion and humility.
Wednesday, January 14

Don't worry, it's ok.
Life may seen Absurd, philsopsophically,
But don't ever lose your sense of the absurd,
Humanistically. Don't be afraid to laugh
At the darkness; I've yet to hear it laugh back.
Life might be absurd, and there may be no meaning,
But in that case we're right back where we were
In the beginning, with no higher brain functions
To ask all these ridiculous questions.

Find out for yourself
I can can only guide you
Point you to the start of the way
Which ends in what?
Only the madness of restrictive reason
At the end of the day.
All you have to learn is inside you.
So find it for yourself
I can't even show you
What I know, because I don't even know
Which end is up,
Only that the reason inside of madness
May one day bestow the certainty that
All the gods you need are within you.
For you are a divine thing,
Not flesh and bone but light
And in pure light there is
No good and no evil
Only the separation of colors
Which has created our striven world
A riven world which can only
Be united by returning to white
That sacred light.
For you are a divine thing,
Not made by gods but a god yourself
Entombed in a prison of matter.
And Einstein made clear,
And The Buddha made clear,
And Hermes made clear,
And the phraoahs made clear,
And the Akkadians made clear,
And the Greeks made it all so clear:
There is no matter which is not radiance,
When understood and transformed.
At the speed of light we were formed
And time cannot touch us. It is unreal.
But gnosis is real; becoming is real.
Initiate yourself by looking deeper!
Think for yourself and resist the deep sleep
That mankind has set upon his being
We are luminous things, interconnected
As each wave is to the sea. See.
Don't simply believe me,
Or take anyone else's word for it.
Don't believe, know.
Steep yourself in religion, and in the sciences
And in philosophy, and then just walk outside
And in the sunlight, grow.
And begin to awake from that dark
Dream of duality.
And you will find your perennial philosophy.
And you may indeed meet your Sophia
At long, long,
Long, long, long last.
(JMS 2009)
Thursday, January 8
From the
"Don't Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out"

This is priceless.
These primates are just as entertaining.
This flowchart sums it up pretty well.
Lastly, um... Yeah.
We'll miss ya, big guy.

This is priceless.
These primates are just as entertaining.
This flowchart sums it up pretty well.
Lastly, um... Yeah.
We'll miss ya, big guy.
Wednesday, January 7
Friday, January 2
"Two Things"
a mini quiz.
Ok, this isn't THE quiz, but it will hold you wild animals over for a spell. The idea is, we all generally know one important town, river, etc. in a given country, but what about two? And other things comes in pairs, not just geographical objects.
I want to keep this simple and we're all adults here, so please: No looking at maps, globes, wikipedia, or cheating in any other fashion. Answer off the top of your head. You won't get money for winning, so just be honest. It's good karma.
Also, post your answers (if you want to play) directly on the blog rather than emailing me, because that means less work for me. Just please have some hono(u)r and don't look at anyone else's posted answers first. Jot them on a piece of paper or a Notepad file before you even get there or something.
Now that that's done with, here are your questions! They start very easy and get a bit more difficult as one proceeds. I think.
That's it! This is just to whet your appetite. I may offer a few more themed, mini-quizzes in the following days as my 30+ pages of REAL trivia questions seems to have gone awry. But no fear, Gentle Reader, I will find them and cough up the true quiz as soon as I am able. In the meantime, have fun and please don't cheat. It's pointless in a quiz purely for fun and to pass the time. Thanks!
If you care to, mention what your major trivia interests are after your answers or in a seperate email address to justin.sias[AT] I have plenty of fodder for a Tolkien Quiz, a Dark Materials Quiz, an Art (Paintings) Quiz, an American/European/Ancient Greece/Ancient Egypt/Mesoamerican/Mesopotamian Quiz (all separate), an Extremes of Geography OR Geology Quiz, a Name-That-Cocktail Quiz, an Animal Quiz, a Cities of the World Quiz, an Astronomy Quiz, a Cosmology Quiz, a Famous Poets Quiz, a History of the Personal Computer Quiz, a Linguistic Families Quiz, a Philosophy Quiz, a Plants and Trees Quiz, an English Grammar Quiz, an Evolution by Natural Selection Quiz, a Chemistry Quiz, a History of Video Games Quiz, a Dungeons & Dragons Quiz, various Music Quizzes, a Mental Health Quiz, a Cat Quiz, a Physical Anthropology Quiz, a History of Mathematics Quiz, a Geometry/Topology Quiz, a Quantum Physics Quiz, a Logicical Fallacies Quiz, a Classical Literature Quiz, a Cold Wars Politics Quiz, an Old Testament Quiz, and many, many others.
Anything the audience would care to be challenged on, I'll either know about or can quickly bone up on and write a quiz about it for fun!
a mini quiz.
Ok, this isn't THE quiz, but it will hold you wild animals over for a spell. The idea is, we all generally know one important town, river, etc. in a given country, but what about two? And other things comes in pairs, not just geographical objects.
I want to keep this simple and we're all adults here, so please: No looking at maps, globes, wikipedia, or cheating in any other fashion. Answer off the top of your head. You won't get money for winning, so just be honest. It's good karma.
Also, post your answers (if you want to play) directly on the blog rather than emailing me, because that means less work for me. Just please have some hono(u)r and don't look at anyone else's posted answers first. Jot them on a piece of paper or a Notepad file before you even get there or something.
Now that that's done with, here are your questions! They start very easy and get a bit more difficult as one proceeds. I think.
01. Name two cities in Brazil.
02. Name two cities in Austria.
03. Name two cities in Switzerland.
04. Name two cities in Pennsylvania.
05. Name two cities in Scotland.
06. Name two famous clowns.
07. Name two famous silent film actors.
08. Name two famous 70s or 80s horror movies.
09. Name two type of sharks known for attacking humans.
10. Name two previous names for modern Istanbul.
11. Name the two longest rivers in the world.
12. Name the two main peaks of Hawai'i.
13. Name two groups of islands off mainland Scotland.
14. Name two famous burial sites in ancient Egypt.
15. Name two species which went extinct in the 1900s.
16. Name the most famous tap-dancing duo ever.
17. Name the two most successful($) music artists of the 80s.
18. Name two veggies that love a high, winter climate.
19. Name two superheroes who have no superhuman powers.
20. Name two breeds of cats purportedly from Thailand.
That's it! This is just to whet your appetite. I may offer a few more themed, mini-quizzes in the following days as my 30+ pages of REAL trivia questions seems to have gone awry. But no fear, Gentle Reader, I will find them and cough up the true quiz as soon as I am able. In the meantime, have fun and please don't cheat. It's pointless in a quiz purely for fun and to pass the time. Thanks!
If you care to, mention what your major trivia interests are after your answers or in a seperate email address to justin.sias[AT] I have plenty of fodder for a Tolkien Quiz, a Dark Materials Quiz, an Art (Paintings) Quiz, an American/European/Ancient Greece/Ancient Egypt/Mesoamerican/Mesopotamian Quiz (all separate), an Extremes of Geography OR Geology Quiz, a Name-That-Cocktail Quiz, an Animal Quiz, a Cities of the World Quiz, an Astronomy Quiz, a Cosmology Quiz, a Famous Poets Quiz, a History of the Personal Computer Quiz, a Linguistic Families Quiz, a Philosophy Quiz, a Plants and Trees Quiz, an English Grammar Quiz, an Evolution by Natural Selection Quiz, a Chemistry Quiz, a History of Video Games Quiz, a Dungeons & Dragons Quiz, various Music Quizzes, a Mental Health Quiz, a Cat Quiz, a Physical Anthropology Quiz, a History of Mathematics Quiz, a Geometry/Topology Quiz, a Quantum Physics Quiz, a Logicical Fallacies Quiz, a Classical Literature Quiz, a Cold Wars Politics Quiz, an Old Testament Quiz, and many, many others.
Anything the audience would care to be challenged on, I'll either know about or can quickly bone up on and write a quiz about it for fun!
Ok, so I opened the pantry to get some soup, but instead found Jackson curled up on one of the shelves, having apparently opened the pantry door with his paws, walked inside, and proceeded to fall asleep in the pitch dark.
I quickly closed the door again, got my camera, and tried to get a good shot of him snoozing in there, but by then he'd foiled my plans and was headed out the door. This was the only picture (given the light) that was wasn't hopelessly blurred.
I quickly closed the door again, got my camera, and tried to get a good shot of him snoozing in there, but by then he'd foiled my plans and was headed out the door. This was the only picture (given the light) that was wasn't hopelessly blurred.

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- "Two Things"a mini quiz.Ok, this isn't THE quiz, b...
- Ok, so I opened the pantry to get some soup, but i...
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