Saturday, October 1

Humanity will be the death of logic

People generally have very poor reasoning skills and a lack of education about logic. They commit egregious logical errors all the time. For example, people arguing for the existence of UFOs often get exasperated with skeptics and offer either, "why is it so hard to believe we are not alone?" or "prove to me that they DON'T exist!" Both of these are logical fallacies, of course. I can have an open mind regarding the possibility (even probability) of life existing elsewhere in the universe, and even that extraterrestrials have visited earth (a much unliklier scenario, but not impossible), without having to believe accounts that have little in the way of persuasive evidence. True skeptics aren't people who go around debunking speculations for the fun of it. They are people without an agenda of any kind, who have an open mind to all possibilities but who require conclusive evidence to adopt new beliefs. In other words, they practice the scientific method. The rebuttal to the second comment challenging the skeptic to prove that a speculation is false shows a lack of understanding about how science works. Logically, just because I can't prove something false doesn't mean it's true. The burden of proof always lies on the agent interested in garnering acceptance for a speculation. The speculation can be thought of as a hypothesis, and for the hypothesis to be accepted as a theory, it must be rigorously tested and found that the hypothesis in question offers the best (most consistent) explanation of the test results. I could make up anything, like say "space turns white and stars are black beyond the range of our telescopes" and then challenge you to prove me wrong. When you couldn't, I could say, "See! I'm right!" Obviously this sort of argument holds no water.

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