Friday, March 3

People kill people

I'm not warm and fuzzy. I don't live a Disney life. I call things as I see them. People may get hurt, but it's probably the hurt of realizing some deep truth about themselves. When I make a mistake or speak out of anger, unmerited, I appologize, and would apppeal to that old standby of only being human. I'm not inhuman, nor do I act cruel for its own sake. But I don't want to refrain from saying what's on my mind once it's passed the idiot-protection filter. Better to be bold and strike at truths - maybe miss a few - then to be timid and never get anywhere and remain a ball of pent-up coulda been my whole life. I want to live to the fullest. I'm not there yet - I'm not sure I want to lose all of my circumspection - but there's always hope. Hope to express yourself and not cower under perceived pressures that may not even exist. Living-breathing-self-realization power-for-good-and-meaning is only an inch away with the proper attitude, I think.

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