Thursday, March 9


your skin is porcelain
fetal position with you
wrapped in two
eyes faraway lights
beacons to nights best forgotten
but my arms hold all i could
ever ask for
i'm lost in love and found
at the same time
nothing else fills my mind
finally at rest
our azure evening unwinds
your fingers curl beneath me
and you sleep
may an aurora of dreams
wash over us and light our way
if we don't fight our feelings
then we can never feel bad
don't feel bad, my love
don't change for change's sake
your tomorrow is still unmade,
you can feel the fullness of being
and never leave that place
never leave my arms
i'm so in love with you
everything's changed
i've got chemicals i didn't
know i had
playing tag in my body
when our moon smiled down
through his frosted frame
then i knew what life was for
in the darkest part it made a spark in me
and i knew what god was for
you were like atlantis all over again
when you washed life over my tired shores
a thousand rays of a thousand suns
burst like guns in the sky that night
a swathe of destruction and
a rebirth fierce of purpose
i try to capture the feeling now
with words
or in afterimages that still haunt my eyes
when you're gone for the day
but the words fall flat and the
visions slip slowly away
there's no way to capture something
like that anyway
like trying to bottle heaven
so I need you here, love
need to feel your lips on mine
the kiss of two minds
i'm in love with you more
than i thought was possible
i know i'm capable of making you
so happy
even dawnlight erodes time
challenges us to make peace
with death and the divine
the push of another day, crazy designs
but you make me unafraid
if i died today
i'd have known the divine already
for when you dream I can hear a thing
like the wing-beats of angels
a soft whisper of ascention
and it's you
you're my angel
everything i ever wanted from life
spills over me
in your arms I am so happy
love, I am so happy.

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