Friday, April 14
Garden of Eden
The world God put so much effort into making has turned out to be a complete disaster. Life isn't any fun; it's shallow. What can anyone do that really matters? The end product of billions of years of evolution and thousands of years of technological advance so far is to create a world where everyone looks at little screens and clicks on things and hits keys. Once in awhile we get up to shit, eat, or have sex. Most planets are completely lifeless. What are they for? Maybe tonight I'll see a movie. Things go around in spirals and make tiny copies of themselves but nothing ever really changes. Humanity, that noble beast of Creation, is a joke. We take our displeasures one day at a time because it hurts the most that way and lets us feel something more than endless, unendurable emptiness. It wasn't supposed to turn out like this; something in the way the clouds are blowing across the sky right now tells me that whatever it was He was trying to accomplish here, He failed. Maybe this is just a trial run.
True, true, about the God thing. You caught me there. Actually I don't believe anything because I don't know what to believe, so there might be a God, but if there is he just can't be an all-loving one or things wouldn't be the way they are.