Saturday, April 1

I'm tired of being a Punk

I'm tired of being a Punk
Tired of being aggressive
And trying to change the world
And obsessed with originality

I don't want to view my life as Art
Anymore, because it never was
Someone slipped me that line when I was
Only eight years old, and I fell for it

Art may be an imitation of life,
But it is not true, authentic being
Only god or nature can bestow that upon us
And only those in service to something
Outside of their own minds
Can ever comprehend.


  1. I think everyone needs to be a bit of a punk and stand up for themselves, set their boundaries, and challenge their cocoon living. But any extreme is bad. It's okay to train for a marathon, but would be way over the top to train for a ultra-marathon right out of the shoot.

  2. A very defeatest yet wise pronouncement.

  3. Filiments of something, anyway. I am changing the world in such a small way it is like a a water molecule bragging he contributed to the Boxing Day Tsunami that struck Thailand.
