Just do one thing.
When the world seems out of hand
And there are seven people breathing down your neck
With their deadlines and their demands
And when the pressure of failures and disappointments
Of jilting lovers and rejected applications
Crashes into you like a freak wave sent directly from God
Just do one thing.
Leave all the other shit to crumble to pieces
Don't run and find a corner to cry in
Or drink yourself into incohesivenes
Breaking apart the good bits that remain can never help
Don't promise the world to everyone in the world
And then juggle excuses and pretend to have misunderstood
Hope people believe that in your heart you are truly good
Just do one thing, and do it well
Fuck all else.
The throngs of people that surround you may hurl their hate
But at least one will respect your resolve
In the face of almost unresolvable plight, a cloudbreak
An even more important person will see this inimpeachable light
That when everything seems too much and you stand
At the easy path that winds through lands of plenty to the golden edge of Hell
You yourself will have done one thing well, and the sky will seem to stretch forever
And you can have it all without a single step in any earthly direction.
This is the essence of self-respect.
LOL. Good point.