All plans for creation go out the window
When heady heaven unwraps its most sublime
Gift, the bath of sunlight
It makes me want to hunt tigers
Fold paper airplanes and run hard
Laugh until I'm lightheaded
We could play on carousels
While cradled here,
Struck silent by grace and calm
Because the cage has been opened
The shadows are peeled back, the walks
Seem to lead in all directions
And go on forever
Everyone in the haze is friendly
With faraway smiles
A twinkle in the eye
I remember the park in Munich now
Don't try to understand
Or push this tree onto a photograph
Infrared afterimages - ants laying down tracks
Don't pretend you aren't affected
I drift like smoke in a bright afternoon
Across the face of an easy hour or two
Breeze seems to have a purpose
Clouds a destination
By the stream I am something primeval
And everything I'd set up so carefully comes
Gently tumbling apart, transparent
Fades with every care no match for summer
And behind my eyes it is alright
I take it all in wide-angle
Feel the white spirit soak through like a
Healing balm that asks no tough questions
Water is only water, after all, and light
Only a source of illumination
And that is the way things really are,
So fantastic.
Weird how those days just come together once in a blue moon.