Sunday, July 16

Friends are people who suck the life out of you and then send you the bill.

Most people are not mature, and immature people begrudge others their happiness. The moment you fall in love, secure a good job, or become the beneficiary of some other windfall in life, friends and relatives who were so caring when you were down can suddenly become some of the nastiest people. It really makes you question whether they cared for you when things were rough, or just enjoyed feeling superior and were thankful it wasn't them in your shoes.

The happier and healthier I get, the less people talk to me or wish me well. At least, it has moved on to become a different group. I suppose those I surrounded myself with before were the type who enjoyed taking care of people but couldn't stand to see them rise up of their own accord. As caretakers, for someone to get well threatened to render their services obsolete, and then they would either have to question the whole twisted basis of their idea of friendship, or more likely would just find new project people to make themselves feel good.


  1. AnonymousJuly 16, 2006

    My friend, we should make a pilgrimage to Diogenes' wall in Oenoanda. I think there's something there for us.
