Thursday, September 21


In terms of your own enjoyment, rank the following elements that occur reguarly on my site. I'm not promising to do anything differently, just interested in what people read/view versus what they tend to skim over.

1. Prose discussions.
2. Original poetry.
3. Unoriginal but inspiring song lyrics or poetry.
4. Original photography or art.
5. Unoriginal but inspiring photography or art.
6. Original short stories.

You can comment anonymously if you want to, I don't care. To anyone who does take the time to reply with a quick number sequence - thank you! I do read all comments and this sort of thing helps.


  1. Hi Meta,
    I read your blog religiously.One of my favourite moments in the day is when I settle down in front of the comp with a coffee, looking through your archives.It inspires me, makes me want to write as well as you do, to expand my mind and grow...
    I also teach your wonderful poetry to my students. I usually announce " Today, we will critically examine the poem "So and So" by the Metamatician!" My kids find it exciting too that we've found a genuine poet on the NET of all places, who could qualify hands down as a gifted contemporary writer.
    So, it goes without saying that I prefer your original work (prose, poetry, art, photography, anything!)to the unoriginal but inspiring material you post on your blog.Most of the time, your work far exceeds in the unorigianl material in merit and depth.
    You have a gift, Meta. I think you are here for a reason- you have been given the boon of touching people's lives with your words. So keep going full steam ahead!

  2. You are WAY too kind oormila and feel very humbled and flattered by what you've said. This is probably the nicest compliment I've ever gotten. It's so hard to find sincerity on the net sometimes, everyone's poetry is "amazing" and so on. I happen to think you are a fabulous writer as well and I check your site every day. But knowing that you read and actually like my stuff that much... like I said, it's just humbling. Thank you very very much for the kind words and encouragement. You have no idea how much I need both these days.

