Friday, September 8

You're good looking
You can find any number of people who will listen to you
But maybe none who truly love you
I hope you do
And I hope it's me
But I hope it's someone who will be good for you at least.

You discount love
Maybe because it seems such a sure thing
Such a young age
Such a long stretch of miles before you
Or do you use kilometers
Even in your figurative language?

I'm good looking, so they say
I can't find anyone who will listen to me truly
Certainly no one who loves me
They way I imagine love
As two people meant to give their hearts to one another
With no expectation nor desire to ever have them back.

1 comment:

  1. My love, wherever you are
    Whatever you are, don't lose faith
    I know it's gonna happen someday
    to you
    Please wait
    Please wait
    Wait, don't lose faith
    You say that the day never arrives
    And it's never seemed so far away
    But I know it's gonna happen someday
    to you
    Please wait
    Please wait
    Wait, don't lose faith
    Please wait
    Please wait
    Please, don't lose faith
    Don't lose faith

    You say that the day never arrives
    And it seems so far away
    But I know it's gonna happen someday
    Someday to you
    To you
    Please wait

