Thursday, October 5

I've been to Canada
What a fabulous country
The white halls and red lines to follow
The people behind the glass that glare at you forever
As they check your papers
The wheat fields, tract homes, and golf courses
Everpresent bilingual resources
Yeah, nothing like our neighbors to the north
I adore, let me repeat that, ADORE Canada
I hear they have some really pretty girls there
With liberal mothers and fathers
Understanding security heels and peace officers
I don't know why I haven't taken it in my head
To go there before
But now that I've seen the whole scene
From a 20th story window
And been politely shown the door
O Canada,
You'll be seeing me a whole lot more.
Because I love you
We are brothers, Canada, USA
Just don't touch me with that hand
That stinks of Cain.

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