Sunday, October 22

ONE OF THE RARE STATUS UPDATES of this blog (I used to try to keep it purely artistic and not address "the world" directly)... I apologize for the disappointing nature of some of the poems lately, and the sporadic visuals. The truth is I've been incredibly depressed and have tended to drop below even the line of "inspirational depression" if there is such a thing, to the point where I don't even use my computer more than a few minutes a day. I have written some pretty basic "I feel like crap" poems that are not really meant to be anything other than my way of journaling, so if the artsy-fartsy quality of the site has taken a dive lately, at least you know the reason. Thanks.

p.s. If you must appreciate something and cannot leave my site, I suggest you go back and stare at the (large) version of the "golden hair" painting a few entries back. I wish I could've painted it. It's lovely and masterful at the same time. I love the brush strokes, the perfect shades, and the highlights exactly where they should be. Also it reminds me, together with the poem preceding it, of my own "goldenhair" who has broken my heart to little pieces, but whom I still find enchanting.


  1. I express my emotons through my art. I paint when I am elated or when I am severely depressed. There are no half states of emotions for me... I find it a great release, being able to paint and vent my feelings...

  2. That's very lucky for you and a great factor in keeping you stabilised, I'll bet. You go out there but not OUT there, you know. Especially now.
