Thursday, November 30

I've heard what you've been saying about me
To all who will listen
To poison the well, perhaps, maintain control
To keep me in my mental prison

People like you can never understand
Or take it when others see further and faster
People like you can only demand
A safe label like freak or disaster

You could have worked with me
But all along, you've worked against me
I suppose you wanted the guilt-free exit
Even if it meant my execution

If I respected you once
You have changed or I was deluded
So here I am alone and resentful
Utterly secluded

You offer condolences but do not change
You left your vows at the altar
Whether stated in word, or written in blood
Or made in the mind of the lover

And what will you think after a lifetime
Of believing you are always right
And never seeking help for problems
As ugly as mine or worse in the light?

And what will you do
When this whole thing is over
And I left you a suggestion, and a plea
But your certainty couldn't be bothered

You have a hand in this,
You had a role to play
You played the twist in this carnal play
Yet you have nothing to say

When the carnival is gone
And the players have had their day
To bask in the sun
You slink away

And what will people think
When they know the truth
And extricate the lies
From the crimes of your youth

And find a diamond, cold and black
Someone left abandoned
Who never ever gave back
To this world she so hated

For a robot duty
To a child who you raised to be
As paranoid as you are, dear
What will the people think?

For I tried to spark her wit
With tales of fancy and humor
While you were paying bills or buried
In your workstuffs like a tumor

That's all I really want to know
When all is said and done
How you can look me in the eye
When your humanity is gone

You've done something irreparable
To my life plowed fresh with laughter
I only wanted understanding
Not prescriptions after

Nor advice from your small mind
I hoped would open wildly
A mind to delve into my charms
And not to disembowel me

I ask you now, for without doubt
I handled many things poorly
But can you now countenance your own acts
And not regret your life sorely?

And if you can't, there is no heart
That beats in you for goodness
You fool yourself that you work on progress
And I am lying broken and bloodless

I remember upon a time
You promised me your love forever
No one made you feel as I did
I honestly thought we were Lovers

But as my illness grew and you
Supported me as you could
You also silently pulled away
Ensured that it was dead for good

Everything after that was lies
The person I knew was gone
You had your house and your precious child
And I was alone

Shuffled from hospital to treatment plan
Where peers thanked God for spouses
Who stuck with them through thick and thin
And never stole their houses

And you did something you said you'd never do
Keep my only child away from me
There's a place in Hell for people like you
You'll see,

I hope you'll see one day.

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