Thursday, December 28

a plea to those who will listen

Being irrationally afraid of

Or prejudiced against those with
Emotional disorders
Or other inherited mental conditions
Is just as bad as hating them
For the color of their skin,
Their gender or nationality,
Or anything else they cannot control.

Be kind to people, especially if
Their lives are hard;
Especially if they didn't roll the
Right combination of dice at birth
To come up statististically average.
Judge people by their actions,
Tempered by an understanding of
Their strenghts and limitations.

Don't fall victim to groupthink,
Mob mentality,
Willful ignorance,
Or any of the other ugly attitudes
That marr this beautiful planet
Like black scars dug into
Its marbled surface.

1 comment:

  1. Strange how easy to look the other way - we don't know what people have been how can we judge them. How can we judge anyone - even ourselves? We are victims of this life we try to live - most people do the best they can under their own infuences and environment. We don't usually choose our path, it chooses us, but we can try to steer in the right direction. As to those in need - think gentle thoughts and show compassion when you have the chance.
