Monday, January 22

a note

This blog contains over 700 posts from the last two years or so. This may not seem obvious at first, but by clicking the months listed on the left you can access the archives. I moved away from individual posts having to have a name, since it seemed artificial in some cases, but by doing this I lost one of the easier and more interesting ways of skipping around to interesting-sounding posts.

Anyway, I've been forced to make this blog an invite-only affair for the moment, which pains me considerably. I hate censorship, but I'm currently embroiled in a legal matter and I'd rather my intimate, sometimes unorthodox brain wanderings not be available to be used against me, taken out of context or otherwise. So for now, this is how it will have to remain. Whatever happened to the noble idea of truly free speech? Someone always ruins that idyllic intention.

A little about this blog. If you are an old denizen of this space, not much has changed, except I haven't updated as frequently as I once did, and photos/illustrations have largely been put on hold for no obvious reason other than my laziness and and multiple disasters having hit me simultaneously, like some kind of perfect storm.

For new visitors, welcome! It may not all be rosy within these walls, but it is truthful to what is in my head. I tend to write more when I am depressed or reflective, either as an escape or a further exploration, respectively. I invite you to comb the archives or jump around as your imagination takes you, and please feel free to comment when you feel the urge. I am notified of all comments, no matter how old the original post, so I will see whatever you write. I am always glad to have feedback and humbled that people take the time to read what I write.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hop aboard and look forward to many new posts. Thanks for including me.
