Thursday, February 15

Two People.

I am two people.
I don't know who I am.
Taunya is a saint and a devil
Or maybe she's just a human being,
Doing what she can.
And I want to love her so badly
And for her to understand.
But I am two people.
One kind and just, one too paranoid to trust
And neither one someone who can
Get me through this world alone.
This ugly world
That surrounds us and destroys our homes.
One eye sees it all and
Hate comes so easy.
But the other wants to
See what he can do to ease
The suffering going on daily.
One day, alien faces.
I float somewhere above my left shoulder
Unaware of what I will do next
Like a child at an arcade game.
A new scene, a comfortable place
Smelling the bread on the table
Seeking stability.
Oh I wish it could be so easy.
Wish it could make sense
And seem sane
And here I could remain.
But I am two people,
And two minds are never the same.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting look at yourself. I suppose we are all a lot of different people inside. Everyone we meet puts in an ingredient or more to help us form, every experience adds more....everyday we are who we are depending on the day, just pull one out of the magic hat, but I understand that this poem isn't general. It's about you and you.
