deserts are for crying.
passed away
next to my sandwich a woman sat
with a bouquet of flowers
I got a cherry chocolate kiss at a table
proud of its fabric rose
I knew I was running low
when the dog show
came on TV and I watched
Afghans, Beagles, Belgians Sheepdogs
I couldn't keep the movie
oiut of my mind
my sandwich was on the dry side
but I cherished every bite
deserts are just set-pieces for crying
oases of tears form
you don't have to have an excuse
I gave my candy to the girl at the counter
admitting I had no Valentine this year
her white skin blushed and I defused
her embrrassment, with a joke about how
they hand us these treats
and then expect us to make sense of them...
I don't know her at all, but
she agreed to be my stand-in Valentine
for that afternoon, for it proved
she was without one too.
Bittersweet, but lovely in intent. Wish more people would randomly do things like that. Give from your heart, nothing expected in return but a real smile.