Saturday, March 31

Your Taste in Music:

80's Alternative: Highest Influence
90's Alternative: High Influence
80's Pop: Medium Influence
90's Hip Hop: Medium Influence
Classic Rock: Low Influence


  1. Hey! I like lots of classic rock, just not the ones they had listed.

    And I would say my interest in rap is low, not moderate, outside a couple of rappers. So switch the bottom two.

    Top three are right on the money though.

  2. Your Taste in Music:

    80's Pop: Medium Influence
    Progressive Rock: Medium Influence
    80's Alternative: Low Influence
    80's Rock: Low Influence
    90's Pop: Low Influence

    i'm just an oldie but goodie i guess

  3. Oldie anyway.

    Hey, YOU got prog rock (Pink Floyd, The Who) and I didn't.

