Saturday, June 23

The Amazing "F" Word

FUCK is a lot of things. It's extremely cold, hot, humid, dry, tall, short, hard, soft, and other other adjective you can think of. It's amazing one word can simultaneous be all these things. But fuck is a real chameleon. First it's "cold as fuck out here," then when you get inside the dark abandoned mansion.... "daaamn, this place is creepy as fuuuck." You can be scared as fuck, serious as fuck, fast as fuck, slow as fuck, and sexy as fuck (which starts to cast the already stretched and stressed "F" word into multiple layers of meaning). I know the whole George Carlin spiel about "fuck" being the only word in existence that can be any part of speech - noun, verb, adjective, adverb, exclamation, imperative, and so on. But I just wanted to point out it's additional versatility to those lazy enough or harried enough not to think of a more specific and telling way of implying a situation is extreme. For every "this evening is as cold as though all the warmth of light and living things had uprooted from its bitter soil and gone to the other side of the world," you're gonna hear about 1,000 "Jesus, it's cold as fuck tonight." Sorry, sophisticates, that's just the way it is. Good thing we have at least ONE all-purpose word! Although, like a drug, it tempts you to be lazy, take the easy way out, and avail yourself of its survices rather than put the brainpower into coming up with something more creative. Oh well, I still think it's funny when used right. Some things never really get old.


  1. Definitely becoming a "regular" word and not as shocking as a few decades ago. Another good word is Thingy. When you can't remember what something is called you say "you know that little thingy" and the other person says, "yeh!". LOL

  2. Yeah, haha. "Dude" is another good one. Like, I was paying at the counter and dude was like, "you don't have enough change."

    Funny story: I was at Turning Point and my best friend was this old black OG from Oakland, a real nice guy named Ken but with definitely a rough past, and still plenty tough you could tell beneath his quiet and amiable demeanor.

    One day he's telling me a story about how his sister got involved with some dopehead and he had to go over there and tell the guy to get lost, whatever his sister though, because he knew the guys this guys worked for and it was just not ok. So he's telling me the story, and since he forgets the guy's name he just keeps calling him Dude.

    Well about midway through the action he's saying some like "and we thought he was gone, right. So I was 'splaining this to my sister and she was crying and all this, and I had this feeling, and right then, I turns around and sure enough, uh uh, what's his name, uh..."

    "Dude?" I say helpfully.

    "Yeah! Yeah, Dude! All of a sudden Dude shows up with his little posse of hoodlums..."


  3. AnonymousJune 24, 2007

    Maybe SHIT is as versatile as FUCK, or god (who) forbid more so.

    By the way, why do we have to fill in those S...y secret words for every comment?

  4. I suppose I could turn it off. I was hoping I wouldn't get crushed my spammers but it doesn't look like Mom is, so I'll try turning it off for awhile and hope that or something doesn't come along randomly and spam my site.

  5. What is bytedoc talking about? Why do we have to fill in those words.........? Does yours have a ban on what you can say? Or is he asking why we need to use those words? Anyway, funny story about Dude. Lol.

  6. Byte was talking about the letter jumbles you have to type in to verify you're human before it will accept your reply. Not the cuss words.

  7. AnonymousJune 25, 2007

    I was just kidding, creating a sentence using meta's word and mine ... but hey, it is turned off. Good, but if you get spam turn it back on.
