Saturday, August 4

The Dream, The Circle.

I just had the dream again about infinity, about not being able to wake up, because you just wake up into the dream. And the dream is horrible of course, it's room after room of conveyor belts where all your worst fears are carried out; you are turned into vats of brains, eyeballs, "mash" of soft parts, buckets of fluid, to be reconstituted in the most horrifying fashion int he next room, aware of it all: The creation of the "next" generation with mother's eyes and daddy's nose. There's no escaping or running or waking up (because you get the idea it might be a dream and try those things). You think, at last, I've blown in; I've reached an inescapable, forever hell. Any hope you get is crushed every time you reach a fork and are given a choice, because both choices are wrong, and it's a big circle like if inside each quark at the tiniest level was a big bang, and the ultimate fate of the vastest imaginable universe were contained within that tiny quark. Circular in time, circular in scale. No way out. I slept all night, then slept all day, 24 hours. [This post was written several days ago]. Finally my cat kept bugging me enough that as tired as I was and trapped mentally as though I were on LSD again, I lurched awake and got out of bed and fed him and turned on the lights and typed this, and even now I'm wondering if I'm really "out". I could still be in the dream. And of course there's a bigger way I could not be Out, it's called life, I wake up each day and here I am again; Groundhog day except things don't repeat. But maybe LIFE repeats, after you die. The hellish endless wheel of reincarnation. Something I've feared all my life. So you choose a religion or belief system where there is no earthly reincarnation, but then you have eternal heaven or hell. What's the difference? It's still eternal consciousness, still being trapped with no escape. I think either you learn to lie perfectly still both physically and mentally and that is how you "escape" virtually - you stop your mind from inventing all this stuff around you and escape the illusion of time completely; you attain enlightenment. Or you believe that consciousness is a material function of the brain and that when you die, that's IT - you are gone, forever, and consciousness is broken. I hope that is true. I don't remember anything before I was born, so it's not like I have a memory of endless hells behind me. If memory of eternity is the true fear - after all memory is really life, isn't it? If you don't remember it, then who cares whether it happened or not? (if that question, like the falling tree with no witnesses, even has any meaning - if MEMORY of eternity is the true fear, then maybe brain death/Alzheimer's or true mental no-mind all break that sensation and create the bliss of nothingness. That is the only escape - the way Out is In, or is to cease physically, to a materialist. I don't know what's True if there is such a thing, but I think if you can learn to discipline your mind to resist panic and accept every situation for what it is and not fear anything, then you can reduce your memory to nothing, and that is like dying out of the endless dream. But fear remains close, like an unripe fruit waiting for its moment, and you must stay vigilant by practicing. Unless you're dead I guess.


  1. Horrible dream! I wonder if there's some way to dream this one more consciously, and begin to take control of what's happening? I also have a very prolific dream life to which I refer as my other life. I've always dreamed vivid, colourful and very 'real' dreams. I've lately been open to a theory that supports the idea that the dreamer may sometimes be dreaming thoughts, events and realities that are not necessarily her/his own stuff, but thoughts and impressions picked up on the collective conscious dreamweave so to speak. There's an Aboriginal root in that idea I think.

    There's also an interesting theory which I've certainly proven for myself, that helps you to know whether you are in fact dreaming and not awake. You know, the whole lucid dream experience? If your unsure it's a dream or not and you feel able to control the experience in some way, try switching on a light. Sounds daft, but if you're asleep, the light switch won't work. Somehow they never do in dreams. The same goes for me with telephones. I can rarely make a phone call in a dream. There's always a problem with my ability to dial a number or actually get through to the person I'm trying to reach. There have been times when I know I'm dreaming and have controlled the experience to the extent that I can defeat the monsters or just exit the dream when I need to, but that's fairly rare and I usually just have to get on with what's happening. Strange and interesting stuff and food for further discussion no doubt.

  2. This is too weird. Are you sure you're not me?

    I have lucid dreams all the time; maybe as much as half my dreams are lucid. I become aware at some point that something is irrational and therefore I must be dreaming, and sometimes I can wake myself from it (like trying to come out of deep water with some plastic membrane over it though, and no motor function), or else I just use my powers to manipulate the dream however I want.

    I find I just need to concentrate to beel able to float, fly, make other people do things, produce objects in my hand, and what have you. It's pretty cool but it can be frustrating too because as you mentioned, you can't do anything "real" than permanently affects the dream state, like making calls, turning on lights, turning OFF alarms (my biggest nemesis), turning off/unplugging/smashing televisions or computers, and so on. It's like there are basic parameters you can't escape because while you're mind is active, your body is semi-paralyzed and I think you actually need some motor-sensory feedback for your brain to find certain things convincing. But I'm actually happy to find out I'm not the only one who experiences this. Especially the phone dialing thing...Grrr. I'm always in some kind of trouble, like hiding from Nazis or a monster or a nuclear exchange, and I can't ever press the right buttons in the right order and actually dial, I keep f'ing up. My cellphone carrier needs to extend their service into the dream realm, dammit!

    Yeah, the Aborigines of Australia have their "Dream Time" which I think serves as a creation story as well as an ongoing, living spirit world or alternate consciousness into which they can step under the right conditions. Many African and American Indians (North, Central, and South) of course have these same shamanistic beliefs. I just hope they're more careful with their psychedelics than I was. :O

  3. This is weird isn't it....?

    The phone thing really drives me nuts! Like you, it's nearly always in an emergency situation and I'm trying to summon aid of some kind, often the Police. (Silly me) I sometimes try to dial numbers up to ten times and still manage to make mistakes and enter the digits incorrectly. Or I get through to some perfectly 'nice' woman who fails to understand the seriousness of the situation and wants to talk to me about frivolous inconsequentialities.

    Lately I've noticed more and more that when I'm having a nightmare I've developed the habit of deliberately trying to make myself scream. No sound comes out initially of course, probably because like you say I'm in some kind of sleep paralysis, but eventually I'm able to wake myself through making weird strangled sounds. It's clumsy and unpleasant but usually works eventually.

    Maybe the psychedelics do have something to do with this? Only I wasn't dropping acid when I was five, that came ten years later :-)

  4. I used to do the screaming bit when there was someone else in the bed next to me, trying to say help but I could get the sound out.

    These days rather than scream I try to open my eyes, but I feel like I'm buried undo two tonnes of sand or something and it's this enormous effort to do anything.

    Pretty horrifying stuff. Sorry you have to deal with that too, you're the first person I've talked to who knows what I'm talking about.

  5. eh eh eh! Here's another epic drama nightmare dreamer. If I could just remember all the details as I write, I'd be writing novels and pretty scary ones at that - more like Meta where it's nuclear war, alien war, world wars with Nazis and such - always being chased and trying like mad to run and barely moving. Sometimes I know I'm dreaming and will try impossible things to be sure, like flying. Those I love, but the ones where hallways go this way and that, I can't find my way out of a shopping mall and end up walking through hospital wards (sometimes lying down in the bed to rest or helping someone), then going on ending up in a theme park where the only way down is a slide with a vertical drop of 100 ft. Also, can't wake up out of dreams -so frustrating, you think you're awake finally and nope, smack into another. By this time the dreams become really mundane, but I can't get out of them. I finally decide to just open my eyes really wide and POP, I'm out but really tired. I definitely have a dream world full of color, stories, sometimes incredibly great ones, romantic ones (like first loves), nightmaress. I have given them names even. Oh I had the Ocean dream again - not ever the same, but similar. Oh I had the War dream, the lost child dream, etc. What crazy worlds and why do some people have them and some don't. That seems really odd to me, but I'm sure someone has a good answer.

  6. I have a good answer. God is punishing the three of us with bad dreams for turning our back on Him.

    Sorry, I went brain-dead when I wrote my last comment, empath, I know we've talked endlessly about our dreams and you get the same kinds too.

    Maybe the three of us should read Winnie the Pooh each night before we drop off. It couldn't hurt.
