Sunday, August 19

Oh Deer!

I was at my computer bright and early in the morning, just shortly after dawn, and what do I see just outside my window? Deer. This family of deer live off in those trees you see, a sizable area of wilderness with its own creek, cricket team (the small ones that rub their legs together), and all-marble countertops. Actually I see these deer almost every dawn and dusk as they use the dirt trackway near me to move about and search for better browsing. I've just never seen them this close. I was fumbling for my camera while trying not to move too quickly or make any loud noises, hoping it had fresh batteries and that I could point it in the direction of the deer without scaring them off. In total they were only there a couple of minutes at most - I think my presence even through a window had them spooked. But they did manage to munch quite a bit in those few minutes. Like ostriches, one would have its head up looking at me (and occasionally off to either side) while the other two ate. Then one of those would pop its head up and the former guard would start to chow. They seemed to rotate the watchman's chore pretty regularly. All looked ready to bolt in an instant, as indeed they did just as soon as I got these pictures snapped.

Here they come

The big doe takes first watch

I wonder what this fawn is laughing about

Now she sees me directly... damn autofocus thought the trees behind her were way more interesting. I had no time to get my manual camera though. Too bad, this would have been a great shot...

Muncharoo time for one of the fawns

The pictures didn't come out the greatest due to the rushed circumstances and the stupid autofocus that kept wanting to make either my dirty window or the distant shrubbery the main subject. But at least I got some proof of just how close they were. I'd estimate 8-10 feet from where I sat, through a window of course. They must be intelligent enough to recognize I'm inside a place, to be willing to approach so closely. I thought they'd bolt the minute they saw me, but I guess they trusted the glass more than I would have thought. Amazing!


  1. Beautiful and amazing. So cool it's easy to overlook the limits of the "quick shoot" I love deer.

  2. So close and you did a good job in your rushed circumstance. They are so innocent, big eyes, graceful. I wanted to catch (in a photo) a hummingbird on my cone flowers, but they move so fast, thought I wouldn't have time - then the dang thing decided to visit every flower and even sat on one to take a break. Next time I'll just go for it. Good shootin' cowboy.

  3. How fantastic! I wanna play in your garden!
    However the facetious one has instructed me to send the following message;

    'Dear Snow White, do the birds come in and tidy your kitchen, and have seven little guys just popped off down the mine for the day?'

    Sorry. ;D

  4. As a matter of fact, they have.

  5. Were they delicious? How did you prepare them?

  6. Hi Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!!!

  7. Crazy. Can't believe they didn't flee at once.

  8. They probably took one look at me and though, nah, he looks like a total

  9. Rex, did you ever see that episode of The Office where David and some other guy were in his office talking about what is the difference between dwarfs and midgets, (started by the fact they had to "make someone redundant" and David wanted to get rid of the dwarf down in production), agreeing it was a question of proportionality and not size, and so on.

    And then Gareth, who is as usual in the shadows behind David says completely seriously, "Well then... what about elves?"

  10. Ha ha! I'm butting in here coz that was so funny. One of our favourite lines comes from either that episode or another involving the Dwarf?

    'Could I fit in your house?'

    We were actually crying with laughter at the context in which this was asked. You'd have to watch it to get it. Sorrry Rex, your turn now.
