Wednesday, August 22

You Are 100% Genius!

You did very well on this quiz, and it seems that you are indeed a genius. Congratulations on achieving a great score. Well done!

The Genius Quiz


  1. Hilarious! I got 37% on this one. Unfair though, it should have been entitled How Good Are You At Maths and Other Nerdy Subjects? Good grief, I didn't even understand most of the questions.

    If you got 100% on this one Meta, then you either really are a genius or you just need to get out more! :-)

  2. Or both?

    My mother says I'm well-rounded. At other times, "center brained."

    I'm just interested in practically everything, I don't understand artists who can't see beauty in maths or physicists who can't see structure in art.

    I like it all! Probably why I am unemployed.

  3. Nerds are cute. I keep a couple in a jam jar beside my bed. They eat tiny bits of Tater Tot and wake me up in the morning with the pipistrel-like squeaking from all the computer viruses they've bred while I've been asleep.

  4. LOL! Dunno about the tater tots though; maybe a Krispy Kreme donut or cold pizza. (From what I understand.)

    I personally love the excellent sugar rush Nerds candy provides, and am amazed that only one serving can strip the smooth enamel off one's teeth completely.

    Do you have those there? I'm one who very rarely goes in for candy or sweets in general, but grape Nerds are the shit.

  5. I remember those nasty little dudes, and what is it with you guys and the fake grape flavour in everything? It has to be the most toxic flavour of all. We probably do get them here too, but I generally only eat chocolate. One thing I do miss though were Warheads, the hot chilli flavour ones. Vile, but at least they give you a slight endorphin rush from all the pain receptors in your mouth.

  6. Yeah, that would be from the capsaicin in the Warheads, or some similar sythetic compound. I was never into spicy candy. Ick.

    We like grape because it is the best flavor.

    Chocolate doesn't do anything for me. I'm weird.

  7. Well I know you're weird which is why I like you:-)Chocolate tends to be a girl thing. Some of the chemicals in it have definite effects on our mood, probably a female hormone connection. And spicy foods and sweets..bring 'em on. I actually get slightly stoned when eating a good Indian meal. Great side effect. Like The weirdo says, I'm a cheap date!

  8. I understand the spicy thing. After a really hot Thai, Indian, or Mexican dish, I feel flushed - literally of course, but also with vitality. That MAY be the only time you could ever get me to dance. It's a natural high for sure and I can understand (thought not share) some people's spiciness "addictions."
