Wednesday, September 5

3rd Life.

Funny how the simplest things can go wrong
Face down in a pool of silence
Lengthwise laid in a bathtub unsure

Sometimes the hint of a sound or the
Glimpse of your face
Brings heaven and hell all in one place

I can't look at this picture anymore.

I want to return to the time when things felt good
Felt good without regret
Good in a way that was enduring

How can you not care? Why don't you write
When the night is black and my building's too bright
And the light that comforts human beings just isn't there

And we both in our own worlds sigh and stare.

All the money in the world could not convince me you loved me
But a piece of your time would have meant everything
A simple drawing in a card would've blossomed into roses

I'd lost all my faith in people
Before we met, you know
But that was a long, black, slow time ago

I just can't think about you anymore.

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