Thursday, November 1

Goodreads or iRead?
I don't really want to maintain two different catalogs of my books (including my catalogs), so I was wondering which of you had a preference between Goodreads and iRead, or maybe something different altogether? They are both available as apps on Facebook and I have friends using both of them (not necessarily together). Goodreads also exists as an outside website for those not using Facebook; I'm not sure about iRead.

Both have huge selections of books, but Goodread's presentation might be a little cleaner (haven't used it enough to know), and they have a bookmarklet you add to your quicklink bar (if you use that; I do), for Amazon specifically, so when you are surfing Amazon, if you see a book you want to add to your Goodread "To-Read" shelf, you just click the bookmarklet and it's done. Pretty cool.

But I'd like to standardize on something. I have about 16 books on Goodreads and about 86 on iRead, but that's a trivial fraction of the books I actually own, so I don't cafe if I have to switch to one or the other. Any opinions for those even interested in this subject? It would be nice to get the booklovers among us in our own little named group on one of those sites, so we can make recommendations to one another and show each other what we've recently read and how much we enjoyed it, what we are reading now, and recommend books to others (or ask for recommendations for a certain genre, say, and have the group respond with helpful advice).

Post your opinion!


  1. Sorry, no opinion. I am not a "book keeper". Once read, bye bye. Try to let someone else have ( read ) it.

  2. Yes, good idea, but quite time consuming. I'm not especially interested in listing the books I actually own as that changes quite a bit depending on how frequently I've moved house, and which of my friends has yet again failed to return the books I've lent them! It would be fun to list some favourites though and compare notes on what we've read and particularly enjoyed, recommendations etc.

  3. Haven't used either. Ditto on what Mags said.

  4. But you still get to look at my train picture!! Ha Ha
