Monday, January 28

A casualty of Gettysburg. Could have been any war. He's gone.


  1. That is where we all go - some sooner - some later.

    But for those of us that are not there yet - there are still possibilities.

  2. I saw some of the war graves in Normandy, France. Row after row of headstones; row after row after row after row....

  3. It's sad, I know. There are so many reminders of past lives....but, I hope people quit taking up real estate for body remains!

  4. It's hard to see something like what Maalie saw and not be affected by it.

    We still as a society have an awkward time dealing with death - whether to celebrate a person's life or mourn their passing. We try to do both simultaneously but it is like trying to taste salt and sugar all at once.

    And many of us are paralyzed by our own fear of death and don't want to be reminded of mortality so we avoid sites and sights like this.

    Death is the sinkhole we're all spiralling into, but we treat it like an embarrassing great aunt who's come to visit at a bad time, and shuffle her off into another room, to be dealt with later.

    Why are we afraid to die? People say it's fear of the unknown. I think it's fear of oblivion. But oblivion is whence we came into this world, and it wasn't scary then. It can't scare you when there's no "you" left to feel fear.

    I'm not afraid to die.
