Monday, January 28

Radiohead - Street Spirit


  1. Very original and good song - like the black and white especially with the old travel trailers.

  2. Thank you so much for the comment. I agree with you totally. The video is very original and fits the song well. The song is not quite depressing, not upfliting, just sort of a comment on things the way they really are. I really like Radiohead for the sense of depth and intelligence they bring to their songs - they don't insult their audience.

    The slow mo/fast mo techniques used in the video are cool too and really draw you in. B&W was the perfect choice on the director's part, and I agree about the old trailers giving it atmpophere.

    Thanks again! It means something to me when people remark on works of art (music, paintings, movies, and so on) that I found inspirational enough to post. It shows they care enough to see what it is that I see in it.

    Not the same of course as commenting on my own original work, but it still makes me happy to see comments on these. It's like discussing another's work at a museum and talking about what you both find appealing and appalling in it. That's a fun thing to do too.

    So... Merci! Gracias! Spasiba!

  3. (smile emoticon) - i remember we talked about that video months ago. You definitely want to watch it through - it came together well.
