Friday, February 8

I want the sun to warm the planet up like it's supposed to
so I can go outside and breathe real air
and feel it on my face: warm, calm
right now it's just something in the sky,
like a placeholder for the real thing.

cold sun,
sleeps in late and tucks in early
you've got people down here who need you
in the worst way.


  1. Maybe you could borrow Mags' magic carpet and come over. The sun is behaving itself here - out of the shadows down in the valley it's t-shirt and hammock weather.

  2. Rub it in why don't you...

    Not a bad idea about the carpet, though I wouldn't want to put too many miles on it and would want to drop it back off with a full tank of pixie dust.

    Did you say t-shirt and hammock? Cor that sounds nice. It's actually not bad at the moment here but it has been cold and rainy of late. I'm hoping winter will go away at some point for good.

    What elevation are you at there?

  3. I was only saying it would be much better for you over here at the moment. I'd let you swing in my hammock and bring you drinks and nibbles in an effort to cheer you up.

    I'm at about 550m and south-facing too. Good for sun most of the time, but bad when it snows.

  4. The bottom photo looks like something you'd see from the Mt. Doom visitor's center. Top photo is cold, but great shot.

  5. I don't believe this. Are you telling us that the weather in California right now is more miserable than England? That has to be plain bad luck surely? We've had a delightful, positively spring like weekend here, that has restored my energy and mood levels like nothing else. It has to your turn really soon.

  6. Actually it's really nice today. It could be warmer, but it's clear. Another rainstorm is supposed to be coming though, not unusual for February. It's gotta rain sometime, right? Thanks though and I'm glad you're having good weather!! Enjoy it while it lasts. I'll get my share of sunny days this year - pretty soon I'll be bitching about the heat ;)

  7. Ah, but now we have had several nice days and possibly a few more coming. It's looking up! California always wins in the end.

    P.S. Nice Photos!

  8. Beautiful weather in the Pyrenees last week!

  9. Nice to hear you had a good trip Maalie, and got your quarry too!

    Yes, as Byte says, the weather here is now spectacular, as if God were trying to shut me the hell up.

  10. Shut up Meta. Love God. x

  11. Lovely and warm here in Cumbria today! Crocuses in bloom aplenty!

  12. Gorgeous weather here too. I won't go on about it, otherwise I might get sent that snow I've been expecting for over a month.

  13. The nice weather in Somerset over the last few days reminded me how much I hate the cold and wintry weather. Today would freeze the ***** off a brass monkey.

    Nice pictures :-)

    Astronauts looking back on our current planetary abode have remarked how thin seems the atmosphere that we live in and which protects us from life threatening empty space.

    Apparently, without our gravitational field, which protects us (and produces the amazing aurora borealis), the sun's solar wind would destroy us too.

    Our world is beautiful, fragile and endangered, even without our modest efforts.

  14. Too true. It's why I take such great delight in the tiny, simple miracles around me, like the fleeting, lily like scent from a scruffy bush on a traffic filled street.

  15. I love the second image of the storm - where did you get it or did you take it? I came across it and your blog while doing a google image search!I would love to use the image for some personal design work I am doing. Your blog is very interesting too :-)

  16. Hey Skyler!

    Yes, I took it, and you are welcomed to use it for anything you wish. Thank you for stopping by and I'm flattered you think my blog looks interesting. Feel free to come back whenever you wish, there's quite a lot here! :)

    I took the liberty of glancing through both your blogs and they look fascinating as well, both completely different of course. If it's alright with you, I'll bookmark them for further reading.

    Love your profile photo, too. Did you take that? I'm increasingly interested in photography that provokes emotions - not the technically 'perfect' stuff you're bombarded with in magazine ads and on telly every day, processed for contrast and colour saturation until they're like cartoons, but photography on the edge somehow... the sun breaking over a valley, a lonely stick and its shadow, a black and white desert without a dominant feature to grab all the attention, or hoards of people milling about in pandemonium. And the great thing is, anyone can take an interesting photo if they themselves are interesting people, so to speak. You just have to recognize it when it hits you - see the world in 2D for a second and take a shot. It may be technically wonderful or it may be from a cheap camera, but like poetry the point is the emotion behind it.

    Anyways, enough of my rambling.

    Have a good ni... er DAY down there in Kiwiland! =)


  17. Meta, I agree

    'anyone can take an interesting photo if they themselves are interesting people, so to speak'

    It's very much a state of mind.

    I'm blogging what could be basically quite boring pictures for a hotel site to try to help my bruv who's been adversely affected by the credit crunch and I keep telling myself the subject matter doesn't matter, it's how you treat it.

    Mind you, a double bedroom is a double bedroom is a double bedroom!

    It's good to touch base again briefly through this old thread :-)

  18. Sure is, old bean! I'll have to pop over and see what you've been up to of late.

    How's that tennis game coming along?

    Cheers Rob!

  19. Thank you so much - are you able to e-mail me a high res version of the photo?
    I agree about taking photos - I'm getting into it more and more too and the skill is to capture the emotion I think. I did take my profile photo - it's taken up one of Auckland's many volcanoes (and a hill that used to be an important Maori Pa site). I must confess my own blog 'Connectivity' has been neglected - I mostly work with 'Reading the Maps' now. I think you would find that blog interesting as Maps is a poet/writer as well as being on the left politically. He also has a strong interest in history (esp. NZ). I look forward to hearing from you and when you send me an e-mail send me how you would like the photo credited. Cheers, Cerian

  20. Meta, tennis is great, I even played for my local club A team in a league match and got a set in the mixed doubles. I feel very fortunate to have the health to be able to do this at the advanced age of 59.

    Not much happening on the Hopcott blogs these days, I'm afraid. I'm spending too much time helping to write about Southbourne Overcliff, sandy beaches and kids play areas for Christine and Noel at the Newpoint Hotel, Bournemouth.

    Things are unlikely to change over the next year too, I reckon. It's batten down the hatches for the long run.
