Sunday, March 23

Snuggly poley bears.


  1. Ah, yes, they will be sinking their canines into the flesh of a live seal before long... their snow-white coats will be stained with blood and gore...

  2. Such is the way of the wild. They eay to feed themselves and their cubs, and waste very little, and what is left behind then sustains arctic foxes and other scavengers.

    Polar bears and seals would both reproduce in sufficient numbers for their lineages to continue if it were not for man hunting seals and playing a role in the sheets of arctic sea-ice breaking up sooner that normal and shortening the bears' hunting season. Now both species are threatened.

    Not gonna make me feel sad for a predatation process that occurs naturally, my friend Maalie! But for the survival of both ringed (and other) seals and for these bears, I worry.

    It's the same I imagine with your birds, amphibians, and other interests - the individual means nothing (heartless as that sounds); the preservation of the species and its habitat and ecoweb means everything. =)

  3. That first photo make me want to snuggle too. And the last one is great - resting after a hard day's seal killing (without wanting to anthropomorphise too much).

  4. Yes, a living organism is a merely transitory reservoir of solar energy until it finally dissipates at entropy in the universe.

  5. M: Yessir, the 2nd law of thermodynamics ensures an eventual heat death for the entire universe, if indeed it's truly a closed system. What a depressing thought. Maybe there's a watchmaker who will wind it back up and give it useful, potential energy again, but that's metaphysics and there's nothing you can say about that's any more valid than anything else. It becomes the province of faith, which I don't waste my time or energy bothering to attempt to possess (my logical mind would fail anyways no matter the effort my blood pump put into it).

    R: You can anthropomorphise to your heart's content here in the safe confines of my little world. That bear does look awfully comfortable and satisfied, doesn't he? Looks my me in the evenings on my couch watching The Life Of Birds. =)

  6. Aaaahhh! Loooook!

    The one at the bottom's sunbathing :-)

    How sweet ...

    This morning, I was walking through a lane in a West Country village called Porlock.

    The sun was shining and the high hills above on both sides were protecting me from the cold north wind.

    People were smiling and saying "good morning" and "what a wonderful day it is" and those are my for-get-me-nots gerroff (er, just joking about the last one).

    There were daffodils waving their heads in the breeze and yellow primroses speckling the hillside.

    The birds were singing so loudly, they almost drowned out the sound of the stream that splashed along besides the road over the Exmoor stones towards the sea.

    On such days, my soul sings and the planets, galaxies or even the universe can jolly well take care of itself - I'm away free!

  7. The third p.b. down is just a bloke dressed up. You can see the zip on his suit. You're so gullible! I expect he'll lose his deposit when he takes it back to the shop. However, if I were to meet a REAL polar bear, I expect I'd lose a fairly large deposit - pretty much on the spot.

  8. I lost a phat deposit this morning, it felt great. Nothing worse than dreaming all night that you have to "go."

    Wait, now that I think about it, it might have been a tiny despot instead. I ate a sketchy carnitas burrito last night and this morning had to purge Fidel Castro from my system.

    Now that he's retired, he seems to think he can just do anything he wants. IT'S NOT LIKE THAT, BUD.

  9. Gorgeous pics. I can't think of anything more interesting to say right now, because I'm at work and my brain is in a different gear.

  10. 1st: awww
    2nd: Iorek!
    3rd: Schwartzenegger and DeVito
    4th: "Now I'm the King of the ice floe, the Polar VIP, I had to steal the little seal and that's what's bothering me. Oh, oobee do, I wanna be like you.....I want to eat junk fo-oo-ood too-oo".

  11. @Rex: "What are you doing in that polar bear suit?" "What are you doing in that man suit?" -Donnie Darko

    @Empath: I agree it looks just like Iorek!
