Thursday, April 10

Ok, I'll make you all a deal. If I get a decent number of comments on all this stuff I've put out recently - at least my own stuff if not the music videos and such - I will post another Pub Quiz, to give everyone a chance to de-throne Rex or for Rex to repeat as champion and further cement his legacy. And there will be a new prize this time, which I won't reveal till the trophy ceremony. And the quiz will be as fair as I can make it considering the split between men and women, and Brits and Yanks. But none of it's happening until I get more feedback. Hmphh.


  1. Bah, I´ve been promised a quiz before, several times in fact, and it never materialised!

  2. Maybe you just didn't post enough, dear. Only good children get rewards. Naughty ones go in the broom closet and live on porridge, don'tcha know.

  3. This is a very insightful post Metamatician.

  4. Porridge is wonderful stuff, especially with dark brown sugar. The broom closet is only for brooms and the drying of herbs and fungi. It's also where I entice bluebottles when I want them to die and they're too difficult to swat.

    I'm feeling a trifle surreal today. Sorry.

  5. I happen to like porridge. Just on it's own.

  6. And please tell us the prize isn't that stinky trumpet replated.

  7. Thank you Mr. Maalie.

    Mags, welcome to my daily world.

    Raelha, the prize has nothing to do with that trumpet. Rex and I couldn't bear to part with it.

  8. 'Part' with it? Are you sure that's not a typo?

  9. Enough. Tons of comments on a picture of some bird when I plainly stated "a decent number of comment on ALL this stuff I've put out recently" ... not reading carefully are we? One of my huge pet peeves in a fast-paced world, and the subject of several blog posts even.

    No pub quiz. Nothing but your daily lives, have fun.
