Monday, April 7


you have draped me in your words, pictures,
common things that would pass
right by most people I daresay, but I have a nose
for these things
and I know what's going on in your mind even when
maybe you don't know it yourself

at the same time, my time here is theadbare
I feel i'm only renting time
I want you to save me so I can save you
but how does that sound when you really spell it out?
people tell you to grow up, you feel like feinting
though you're the toughest person on earth

I could be dead, I could be a corporate CEO
but I'd never find you in all these multitudes, it's true
dog packs to prowl, pigs rich and scowling, and sheep to prune
so I adopt a simple life, a safe life
by donning nothing at all
Jesus, you see, he was wearing almost nothing at all

but you, you are a mystery
that my mind wants to find intruiguing
I'm so tired of people steeped in arts, tired farts
who pretend their way through life
join me at the bridge, Charles or Charlemagne, what's in a name?
we'll spin the night away in a solid block of parades.

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