Saturday, June 28


  1. love the angle and color!! Butterflies are Free - what kind of flying "being" would you want to be? I would like to be a hummingbird so I can manuever like a helicopter.

  2. Thanks for the compliment. It came out pretty well I think. I tweaked the colors of the butterfly and saturated most of the "bokeh" (remember, the out of focus part?) pretty well, to creat a sort of Alice-in-Wonderland effect. But the photo itself untouched isn't bad either - you have to start off with a good composition (I believe) even if you have software to modify it. You'll never get put garbage in and get a diamond out.

    We should think about that photography class sometime, maybe this winter or something. I know "your plate is full" right now with everything. Sorry to use that phrase, it keeps buzzing round my head. Like a mosquito that should be squashed.

  3. And Nature in general is Free - in fact it gives and gives as we take and don't give back.

    To answer your question, if a flying creature (non-mythical like dragons or angels), I dunno... Dragonflies are pretty maneuverable and look cool, but they don't live long. Big eagles and other raptors are cool but they're always on the lookout for food for demanding chicks (but then what animal doesn't struggle for food).

    A hummingbird is an excellent choice, but since it was your choice I'm not going to pick it. I'll go with a peregrine falcon, the fastest animal on earth.

    Except for whatever it's chasing, as I like to say :)

    Speed suits my nature - it would be like flying a fighter jet or owning a Ferrari, but you could do it completely in the buff and hassle free. 200+ mph! Unimaginable and thrilling to think of, and completely free of the earth.

  4. Gah! That was a bit of a shock. You do rememebr I have a butterfly (and moth) phobia don't you?!

  5. Oh yeah. Sorry bout that.

  6. Never mind, as it's doctorted it doesn't look quite real enough for me to be scared for too long.

    And I'd be a swallow. They're nesting in the neighbour's barn and swoop across the garden - it's fun to watch the cats watching them and think, 'ha,ha, you've no chance.'

  7. Just for that, Mahou is gonna go out and catch a swallow somehow and present it to you well inside the house, still half-alive.

  8. No swallow yet.

    And I thought your last comment would've been about coconuts

  9. I was a step ahead of you and TWO steps above the rest. Never do what is expected if you can help it!
