Sunday, June 29


There are so many wounded people in this world
With souls wrapped in ice to keep them from aching
And others to take credit for what they make,
And keep their hearts breaking.
There are so many tragic lives upon this world,

I don't know that I'd do any of it again
People can be so senselessly cruel and not believe it
When everyone else knows,
When it shows in the depths of their eyes
The ignorance and heartlessness makes me despise

That I was ever brought into such an ugly mess;
I chose and choose wrongly and so do the rest.
But when others mess up they don't confess,
Just go on living smugly and blessed,
Or so they figure in the depths of their chest;

But these kind of people are the filler of the world,
The styrofoam popcorn you plunge your hands through
When you lunge for that thing which excites you.
There are always in this enormous world very rare gems
But not many I've ever met can shine like them.

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