Saturday, June 28

Music & Books.

What kind of world would exist without music?
Music dominates my life, is the soundtrack
To my dabblings and triumphs and loneliness
I have a song for each mood and a
Mood, yes, for each song, each GOOD song
And what would life be without clothes
That are comfortable and classic?
I've also noticed most people don't
Continue to educate themselves
Throughout their lives. Why do they stop?
This I cannot understand; I do nothing else.
What do they do in their free time?
Oh, that's right, they watch sports
And network television and reality shows.
It sends chills up my spine
Makes me think most people on the planet
Are less than half alive.
If I don't learn a new word, a new skill,
A new program, a shortcut, or produce
Something I can show other people
Every single day I feel I've lost all
My piss and vinegar and will probably
Be a marshmallow within the week. But these...
People? They exists within a world
Of work and half-remembered nights
That vary little from one to the next
It must be a practice purgatory of sorts
To get ready them for a future of not existing.

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