Sunday, September 28


  1. Clever use of pictures, as always. The second one - and it looks so inviting, peaceful, I could fall asleep in there - give the third all the more impact.

  2. Thank you for commenting, as always. You really understand me most of the time. That's a good thing I think.

  3. Hmm, a most in italics. I'll take it as a compliment since it's impossible to understand someone 100% of the time.

    One can always try though.

  4. One can try but will never succeed. Most is a good thing.

  5. Yes it is. But sometimes the trying is important too.

  6. Well, trying is half of it, for sure. There's nothing without people putting forth the effort to understand one another.

    Actually connecting and understanding (which doesn't mean always agreeing) is important too, but we can expect a less than 100% rate here, like you said.

    Still, the more you understand someone the more you'll want to be friends with them and enjoy their company. It's just common sense. So, like I said, it's a good thing. Although my opinions seem to be in the minority in general, but I for one am proud of that.

    Makes it harder to find sympathetic minds, and thus friends, but probably tends to lead to better friendships too, because who is going to fake having minority opinions on many things just to further a friendship/relationship/whatever? Not too many people would do that or at least keep it up.

    I know that for a fact 'cause I've been tricked in the past.
