Thursday, September 18

I'm going to take an online test enabled by a code from a book I've had for a few years now, and am finally getting around to addressing. It promises to identify my 5 top strengths out of the 37 they recognize, and then I need to refer to the book to read about how to develop these strengths so they can become 'force multipliers' and land me a job where I am happy and feel fulfilled and champagne will rain down from the heavens.

The premise of the book and quiz combo is that it's a waste of time working to negate your weaknesses, as most popular self-improvements would have you do. Instead, massive Gallop studies have shown the most 'successful' people in virtually every industry got where they did by going in a direction they were already above-average, good, or even excellent in, then developed themselves in that direction even further.

In this age of specialization, that seems rational, as long as success is defined as a niche which makes one more happy or content or fulfilled that he or she currently is. And I just started this sentence with a conjunction after ending the last one with the most passive verb in existence, 'to be'. I also just put a period outside a single-quote mark. I guess I'm feeling rebellious today - I wonder if that will come through in the online testing...

I'll report back what the test and analysis had to say about me when the deed is done. Maybe it will give me some kind of extraordinary new insight on my life.

1 comment:

  1. Does no report mean you didn't do it, or that you didn't bother posting the results becasue nobody commented here?
