Tuesday, September 9

Just some comments and questions.

Hello there, it's me, Sally. Just wanted to let people know I'm feeling better and less scared today and tonight. Thanks for the support I got from a couple people. It's infinitely better to have at least one person in your corner than to have no one.

I am going to try to post some happy things now, or more likely probably a mixture - a range of emotions as the saying goes. It's so hard to speak or write without using common phrases, to be totally original. In fact it's almost impossible. Try it! I try to avoid the worst cliches but I don't even do a very good job of that. My brother told me several years ago that two of his goals were to eliminate small talk and spoken cliches. Quite a lofty goal. I don't think he talks much these days ;-)

There are a lot of topics I could launch into right now and rant or rave about, so I won't.

Instead I'll do something similar to what I've done before but in a slightly different way. I'm going to present a numbered list of general types of posts I make on this blog, or ones which I would like to or are considering. Please respond, if you would, with a list of the numbers which interest you. You can just throw the numbers at me, or you can put them in order of preference, or you can put them in groups: 'most interesting,' 'somewhat interesting,' 'not interesting,' for example. It's freeform and all up to you. I just like to get a sense of where I should be steering this ship in order to bore people the least.

Here then is the list:

1. My poems
2. Others' poems - possibly with some commentary; what it means to me
3. My photographs
4. Others' photographs - again possibly with my reactions
5. Book, movie reviews in my own quirky style
6. Essays about politics and sociology
7. Essays about technology
8. Essays about philosophy
9. Easy to understand explanations of scientific topics
10. Animal wars; Movie wars; other tournaments
11. Pub quizzes
12. Questions, polls, and surveys for YOU to answer
13. Lists of all kinds - Like "My Favorite 20 ___"
14. Insightful or funny quotations by others
15. My own drawings and paintings
16. Drawings and painting by other that I find striking in some way
17. A pseudo-regular list of links to interesting web sites and stories
18. Song lyrics and accompanying videos or audio
19. Jokes or humorous Photoshopped pics (not mine, usually)
20. Things about me you probably didn't know
21. Monograms about obscure topics in history I find interesting
22. More "photo album" style casual/candid photos (as opposed to 'Art')
23. Stories I'll start and which everyone can continue in the Comments.
24. Recipes (not my own!!) which I find that look promising.
25. An "Ask Meta" regular feature. Advice, explanations, whatever.

Any other suggestions besides those given are greatly welcomed. Sometimes I'm at a loss as to what to post, and the endeavor can become a bit monotonous on both ends. That's maybe why I've a really slow few months. There are other reasons, but I want to make posting here a habit again.

Also: Should I change the design of this site (just the look, ignoring for now the contents)?
A) Drastically
B) Moderately
C) Subtly
D) Not at all

Thank you for patronizing the site and hopefully not me. I do appreciate every visit and comment I receive!


  1. Trying to say what I would prefer to see on here from your list, or at least tryig to order it is impossible. It all sounds interesting. However, if I had to pick just a handful, it'd be the following

    -your poems
    -your photographs
    -your own drawings and paintings
    -things about you we probably didn't know
    -pub quizzes
    -recipes (but of course I'd like that)

    Around the bottom of my list would be

    -Animal wars, etc,
    -Jokes or humourous pics
    - Questions, etc. for us to answer

    With everything else somewhere in between. I think. Ask me on a different day and I may give a different answer. The same for your posting I should guess. It's always interesting to see what and how you post though, no matter what the subject.

    And I'm used to the design of the site. It feels comfortable to me now. But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed. I'm not sure there's any subtle/moderate change that could improve it. If you're going to do it, I'd say take a deep breath and do it drastically.

  2. hey sally!

    i like the variety so I can choose what to comment on or not. I skip the scary stuff as much as possible, but it's probably important to you, so that's ok too. Just keep blogging. I'm visually oriented so videos, photos, quizzes thrown in are always fun, but I love your poems and love critiquing (sp?) works of art.
