Monday, September 29

Nope, it's not Jackson! It's an impostor named Monty, and he's my...


(He looks like my Doodles, though.)

Thanks to Pet of the Day.


  1. Thanks for stopping in. Had a look see at your blog and bookmarked it to look at more when I can focus more.

    Nice stuff man. Black and white. Controversial. Confrontational. Original. Authentic.

    Will definitely go back for more.


    For other readers:

    Oberon was the king of the faeries in A Midsummer Night's Dream, I believe, is a moon of Uranus (not mine though), and has some tie-ins to the French Merovingian dynastic legend that got hooked into the whole Jesus and Mary had a kid thing, though I'll have to look this up.

    Interesting name.

  2. Ooh, that's one orange cat. Cute nose-licking pic too.

  3. Hey, that's my doodles of the day. No making fun.

  4. I would never make fun of a cat! He's just very orange, though I like that.

  5. He is most orange. He's about the exact color, pattern, everything of Jackson.

    Jax's eyes are a little greener, though that always depends on the angle and light. Sometimes they look gold!

    I personally think Jacko has a sweeter expression on his face too, but then, I suppose I would.

  6. :melting: Cuuutiiiiee! :)))
