Saturday, September 6

Soviet horrors....


  1. Sometimes it's hard to keep hold of my pacifist sentiments.

  2. I almost added 'and my dinner' but people should see this. As usual it's a case of the more people who know what goes on, the less likely it is to happen again. We should be made ot feel uncomfotable and sicjk ot our stomach, that way we might actually get up of our arses and do something about it.

  3. Uncomfortably agree with you wholeheartedly. I need to change those links to be "live" to make it easier for people to reach that information.

    And that's by no means the worst I've seen. I've spared my tiny audience some true horrors just on the basis of "enough is enough." I don't want to sicken people, I just want them to become more aware...
