Tuesday, March 17


top photo found on net, bottom photo taken by me


  1. your b & w photo is great - I'd like to know where you were if you don't mind.

  2. There's a costume shop down in Railroad Square - remember that one? I went there quite awhile ago and took pictures of the things in the windows and maybe in the store, I forget. I got other shots during that trip downtown too, I'll hopefully use more of them soon. Some should be recognizable. I just found the memory card they were on when we were cleaning :)

    Then I did some photoshopping of it to make the whites glow more, and lots of subtle things like cropping, but it's boring to talk about that stuff. Thanks for asking about it though.

  3. If Empath hadn't, I would've asked.

    I'll look forward to seeing some of the others.
