Excuse me, I'm back
I believe someone's taken my spot
In the parking lot
In my sporting life
Between the sheets and in
My head at night
In the pool, looking at
The sun in the denim sky
Driving my car
Someone's taken my place
Amongst the stars, where
People gather to peer
Through dobsonian contraptions
People who used to know me
Now gauge my reactions
My place is being used by
Someone, who has chased away friends
Someone almost unknowable
Has taken all my clothes
Pretended he's me all these years
Pets my cat at night
Has taken over my life
Taken my spot in the limelight
Outside the spotlight
Taken away my health and
Wealth I may have
Once thought about
He's hurrying through his days
Like I don't know about it
Someone's been living a fractured
Love life, and raising other
People's kids,
Some friends of mine found bliss
In the lives they chose
But this person never did
And someone has taken my spot in Heaven
Which is a good thing because I don't
Want it or need it, I only want my
Place back here on earth
In the now, see how the lark sings
For the rebirth of every real thing
I want to see the green of parks
And feel the sweat of the sun
I want to glide into water
See the owls that move through
The tree just beyond the old fence
I want to take it all back
And get off the fence
And stop wearing black
Even if it suits me
And start making sense even if
The fire in my mind sears through me
And makes me blind,
Still speak my mind and be wise
As the lark flies and clouds
Stay deftly moving.
I want you back too - come out to play again.