A single shaft of light
Can exterminate the darkness
For awhile
And the light from a single day
Can make the hardest heart
But too many storms of emotion
In a troubled mind
Whatever good intentions
Two lovers have inside
Can kill the light
And let darkness descend again
Why are people cruel to each other?
Too often they misunderstand each other
And don't bother to take the time
To listen to their heart
But also to their mind
Too often people are blind
When they mean no harm
Yet it is harm they cause
Sins of commission, sins of omission
And promising future paths of
Loving, connected lives
Are buried and left behind
The light of a single day
Came my way a number of times
So from the cave of my mind I came forth
That love in my black heart might dwell
Now heartless shafts of light
Illuminate those corpses where they fell.
I'm sorry that you have to go through life feeling so much pain. I wish you could live outside more, do more, and don't let anyone stop you.