Friday, June 12

No sleep for the wicked

I can't sleep. No matter what I do or take or read, I can't actually get to sleep. It's been a week now. I think I'm losing my mind.


  1. Just to say hi,
    I am having some trouble with sleep as well lately, pretty much lost sense of what day/night is anymore,,,
    I read your posts every night (early morning for others) that i come back home from work, i like your poems, i have no comment as to what you believe about the future of humanity, it hurts to read it, i guess cause it has a point, you know truth hurts. I had better hopes myself and because i have devoted my life so far to science and biological research i thought there was/is still some contribution of humanity for humanity and nature...and i thought life was worth living even if it all goes wrong in the end, but who am i to say it? still i have not experienced any real pain but i dread the day that/if will happen,

  2. Hi Katbili.

    Thanks for the comment and thanks for reading my site. I know it's really grim sometimes.

    I've been pretty depressed for awhile and this is a way to get some of that out, I suppose.

    Some bad things have happened in my personal life seemingly all at once (of course) that haven't helped.

    Hopefully things will improve in my life and at some point the blog will get back to being more balanced between sad and happy things.

    Take care :)

  3. hey Meta
    I dont want you to think that I am in any way trying to make you change the content of your posts or have yourself explained or justified. I totally respect the way you feel and I enjoy (?) the way it comes out in writing,,,Dont feel in any way biased by my comments and please dont take them as complaints, it is rather a way of communicating and in the context of exchanging personal views. Sincerely,

  4. Don't worry, I don't think you could change me if you tried ;-)

    Thanks for the communication, it's always nice to hear from others, especially those who are philosophical about life. I love science and have tried to pursue some sort of objective truth my whole life, and I respect scientists like yourself who do so as well. Sometimes it's hard for me to see the value in the whole enterprise though, as our lives (as a species) don't seem to improve with increasing knowledge or technology. People have multiplied because of better medicine, and now they are destroying the ecosystem which created them. Corporate- and government-funded science seems to think mostly in the short term, about profitability and winning awards and prestige and of course, of finding answers, but without always taking the longer view of what is actually best for the future, or putting priority on quality of life, on happiness and richness, instead of just science for its own sake and an endless flood of new things to buy.

    I suppose the moral and ethical part is up to individual scientists, but the pressures of academia and the business world push for results, and "progress," at whatever cost. Now we're into cloning and genetic modification and the earth is warming and no one seems to be in charge of what SHOULD be done, instead competing fiercely for what CAN be done, what there is a market for. It breaks my heart sometimes to see science used like this.

    If I were a religious person I could maybe take solace in that, find some meaning or at least be embraced by the comforting part of it and know that even though I don't understand what's God's plan is, it must be a good one. I envy people who can live that way and really believe it.

    Unfortunately perhaps, I could never be a person of faith, it's just not in my nature. I'm too rational. But I can try to be a humanist and come to grips with reasons to live which don't depend on an afterlife but which are not nihilistic or hollowly commercial either. Small comforts, hobbies, time with family and friends. Reading a good book. I dunno... I guess I'm still working on that part: Trying to find a life that's worth living, when you don't believe in Santa Claus or magic anymore, when you've realized your parents are not all-knowing, and then finally doubting the existence of ANY sort of God or "plan" and being humbled by the size of the Universe and the power of natural selection. It's hard to be upbeat sometimes - or maybe I simply think too much.

    I've been reading your blog as well - I hope that final leg of the thesis marathon goes well for you! I'll be following your progress...

    Καλή τύχη.
