Thursday, January 14

This might be the cutest thing ever.


  1. LOL!! really really cute.

  2. Isn't it?? Awwww....

    What a silly kitten!

  3. Yes, I think very possibly it is.

    Just imagine what the kit´s going to be like when it grows up too. Awww. As usual, I want one.

  4. I had seen it some time ago on FB. I love it!

  5. I love all animals but something about me (and roughly half the population, it seems) find cats and kittens extra-adorable

    I'll never understand those people who actually dislike or even hate cats. All I can think is they must be insecure and so they like dogs, who constantly assure them they're great!

  6. Honestly I cannot say if I prefer cats or dogs. I feel dogs are much more dependent on man, and consequently very vulnerable. But that does not mean cats are not.
    Cats are super funny and yes, extra adorable, as you say. This one is amazingly cute... I think I replayed the video at least ten times.
    I would love to work with a sleepy cat on my lap, for example.
    But dogs... I don't know. Guess I have a deeper connection with them, something that strikes ancestral notes I would say...

  7. Cuuuuuuuuuutiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!!!!! :)))))))
