Sunday, May 2

Improvements in progress...

I widened the main body of the blog, where the posts show up, in the style sheet, but for some reason my parchment graphic is not playing along and repeating until reaching the new wider right margin, where it uses a different, darker graphic. Thus, there is a line of the darker graphic floating on the right-hand area of the main section of the blog, as you can see, then a resumption of the main parchment graphic.

I'm still working on this, so please be patient and I hope to have it figured out shortly! The wider 'main' space should better accommodate newer widescreen videos and bring the blog more up to date with today's larger resolutions. The next version of my blog will definitely feature dynamically-adjusting widths for all blog elements, so that it should seem tailored to your screen resolution (within reason) and not be nearly as static as it is now. In the meantime, though, I wanted to widen this one a bit... Just have to figure out why the background tiling is not playing nice. Thanks for your patience.


  1. It looks OK, but it probably annoys you because it didn't do what you wanted.

  2. Yeah... I'm pretty picky I guess.

  3. nothing wrong with picky. I won't discuss how long I fiddled with my website to make it "just so" and I can still point out every glaring flaw in intricate detail. But I do like the move to a wider text area. It won't detract from your prose but will allow some of the longer posts to take up less vertical space on the page as well.
