Tuesday, May 4

Something new, a poll.


  1. I wasn't sure you wanted the comments here or in the actual poll comments themselves. I'm your "other" girl. Why? two reasons really. First is that I've never been to a full scale zoo so I can't say for sure what my favorite exhibit is! Secondly, I don't think I can choose, even after going to one or one hundred zoos. I love animals; learning about them, seeing them, interacting with them... so how do I pick just one when I love the big cats so much, find the primates fascinating, think reptiles and avians are equally lovely in their own rights? I guess if you reply and tell me I must pick I could narrow it down but I'd rather not...

  2. "Other" gals and guys are just as welcome on the Metaplane as are those who choose discrete, unqualified answers. If these ever ceases to be, you'll know it's not me running the site anymore!

    And seeing as I feel the same as you (though I chose the primates because they're so like us in their mannerisms, and because the acrobatic gibbons just put them barely over the top for me as far as "fun"), and love all animals great and small (though Natural Selection made them all!) - except obviously mosquitoes - I would never force you to narrow your passion for nature down and choose one category over another.

    In fact, it's quite independent of you to refuse to do so! Plus, I know your real love is goats, which are in the petting zoo. ;-)

    Thanks for taking the time to visit, and also to leave your explanation! Always appreciated.

    I wonder who chose the big cats...I'll bet it was Raelha. Am I right, Raels? I kept changing my mind before settling on primates, but choosing is a silly concept because all animals are so valuable and so grand.


  3. How about all of the above except Reptiles and Insects?

  4. That works. Wait, you don't like reptiles?

  5. What's to like about reptiles?

  6. I was the big cats. :))) If there was more available choices, the petting zoo would be the second. :D
    And the snakes, I love snakes.

  7. Cosy up to a rattlesnake sometime!

  8. I don't think they even have rattlesnakes in Budapest. :D

    Have you ever seen one, Mandula? In real life, I mean.

  9. Nope, no big cats for me. I find them sad, stuck behind the bars, prowling up and down. I'm not sure where I stand on zoos. I'd much rather be able to see animals in their natural habitats and hate the idea of caging any animal no matter how big the enclosure. Though, without zoos I'm sure we'd soon end up without many beautiful species so I can't bring myself to hate them. I voted for 'other' since when I was a young roofclimber my favourites were always the giraffes and elephants, closely followed by the orang-utans. The reptile house and the aquarium were always interesting, though I stayed away from the butterfly house no matter how hard my mum tried to persuade me to go in.

  10. Rattlesnakes? No, in the wild life no. We only have them in zoo, thankfully.

    I said I like snakes, not that I want to cuddle them. ;)

    Well, not _all_ of them. But the species without poison. :D Yes, even the big, crushing giant ones. :))))

  11. Those are the best cuddlers of all!

  12. I voted for the aquarium. It appeals to the whimsical part of me that once dreamed of being a mermaid.

  13. Yay, an aquarium vote!!!


  14. Put anything on here about animals and everyone comments, so my comment as a cat is still Primates and I have to agree with Meta that the gibbons are the best animals to watch at the zoo. Caged animals make me shiver, but then I think of my friend Blue Boy and his friends in our aquarium and they seem happy probably because they only have a 3 second memory. Come to think of it, I'm captive in my house, but me and my inmate friends are all happy, get fed, have playtimes, and get to sleep wherever we want - not cages, but just like our pet peoples.

  15. Thanks, Hans. I think animals who grow up in captivity and don't any better are easier to accept (though still a bit sad to think about) than those who have been brought in from the wild.

    Thankfully the purpose and practices of *most* zoos worldwide has changed very radically since Victorian times, or even the early 20th century, and I can accept, like Raehla, the idea much more easily knowing that they're doing active research, sharing gene pools internationally, providing ecological education to us humans, and in some cases actually preserving species that are gone or nearly so in the wild.

    In a perfect world we wouldn't need zoos, but the world is far from perfect. And selfishly, I do enjoy seeing so many species I would otherwise have no chance to observe in the wild. And the wild animal park/nature preserve/protected habitat idea is catching on more and more (though it still needs LOTS of help) around the world - so I think that in the future "ecotourism" and not municipal zoos will be a much better solution to the problem.

    The ultimate solution, of course, would be to get the damn human population under a billion people again, but that genie seems to be out of the bottle for good :-|

  16. OK, I understand. Maybe there should be zoos to study people animals. There are so many varieties!!

  17. That's what psychology and sociology are! ;-)
