Saturday, June 26

Haven't been feeling normal all day... Maybe this guy is the reason.


  1. Aaaaaaaagghhh!!

    Hey there were-girl, haven't talked to you much at all lately. Wanna chat some time? I miss our chats. I'll email you. Hope everything's ok... I know life can be stressful but keep hanging on no matter what. That's all I'm doing :) (and probably most people, deep down).

    I saw some of your newer articles on Electrose, and read through them but didn't comment. I forgot all my Magyar ;)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  2. And I guess the moon is usually depicted as a woman (Luna), but I said "guy" in my headline. Oh well! Secret: It's really just a chunk of rock...

  3. Oh but it was a lovely sight on my trip home from Kentucky that started in the wee hours of the morning...

    I wonder... can I blame the sudden issues with both car and truck on it? ;)

  4. Sure! You can blame whatever you like on it, but it doesn't mean anything will improve :)

  5. ...And I heard that it was going to be not only full but unusually large in the USA because it would be near the horizon, which always makes it appear huge (it's actually an optical illusion of sorts, having to do with how our brains perceive depth, and in this case they do it wrong - if anyone's interested I can try to find the full explanation. I knew it once because my physics teacher explained it to me, but I've since forgotten the details. Dumb brains - good things hard disks don't "forget" some of that great poem or story you wrote when you open it up! But then, hard drives fail and die more often than our brains do...).

    Anyhoo, I was gonna ask if anyone got a chance to see it, because I didn't. So was it one of those big, orange, watery looking giant ones or what?
