Friday, July 23

Things in fours.

 Four sons of Horus.

1. 4 ethnicities to combine for a great looking person.
2. 4 musicians to put in a 4-piece band to make a great band.
3. 4 things to stick on a sandwich for a great sandwich.
4. 4 sports you'd love to be really good at (you're in shape).
5. 4 languages you don't speak that you'd like to be fluent in.
6. 4 countries you'd like to see disappear (no one gets hurt).
7. 4 epic movies you could watch all in a row on a free day.
8. 4 animals that would be fun to have as pets (1 only of each).

No points, obviously - it's not a quiz! And feel free only answer which ones you want. I won't get my feelings hurt. I'll play too :)


  1. 1. no opinion.
    2. see above. ;)
    3. 4 things to stick on a sandwich for a great sandwich:
    Goat cheese, tomato, onion, good lettuce. I'm taking it for granted that any sandwich I eat has meat on it.
    4. 4 sports you'd love to be really good at (you're in shape).
    swimming, dressage, gymnastics, martial arts
    5. 4 languages you don't speak that you'd like to be fluent in.
    french, german, russian, spanish
    6. 4 countries you'd like to see disappear (no one gets hurt).
    china, iraq, columbia, venezuela
    7. 4 epic movies you could watch all in a row on a free day.
    LOTR 1,2,3 and uhh.... that's about a full day isn't it??
    8. 4 animals that would be fun to have as pets (1 only of each).
    snake, parrot, lemur, platypus

  2. 1. Russian, Chinese, Swedish, Brasilian. That should make a nice woman :) You could substitute Thai or Japanese for Chinese, and Czech, Hungarian, Bulgarian, etc for Brasilian. Would change the look, but not for better or worse.

    2. Vocals and rhythm guitar: Brendan Perry (Dead Can Dance). Lead guitar and backup vocals: David Gilmour (Floyd). Bass and backup vocals: Paul McCartney. Drums: Mike Joyce (The Smiths). This is way too hard though. I could very easily have said, 'John, Paul, George, and Ringo' and that would be about the best you're gonna get at any of those spots. Except I'd still put Gilmour or Clapton in there over George. But John, Paul, and Ringo are as good as anyone you'll find. Dan Fogelberg too, on vocals, guitar, and piano. Eh, I could go on forever... Morrissey would write all the lyrics :)

    3. Assuming bread and condiments are a given, I'll take bacon, lettuce, tomato, and fresh mozzarella. OR, fried egg, avocado, lettuce, and tomato. Yum.

    4. Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, and, um... uh... Table Tennis I guess. Pool would be good just to walk into a bar and show off, but in the end I enjoy ping pong more because it's faster and crazier.


  3. 5. French, Russian, Italian, and... I'm not going to count Spanish and German since I speak them a bit (not fluently but I studied them quite a bit)... so, I guess Hungarian. This question is too hard like all the others. I'd like to know Icelandic, Swedish, Thai, Mandarin, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Portuguese....

    6. Iran, China, North Korea, Venezuela. Runners up... Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Bible Belt of the USA. Oh, and Saudi Arabia too, but not their oils fields. And Burma...

    7. LOTR (I'll count them all as one :)), Gladiator, The 13th Warrior, and any of the Bourne films. Others would include Rob Roy, 300, Taken, Troy, Blade Runner, Heat... there are too many! Not all of those are 'Epic' I guess, but whatever. It's my blog.

    8. Besides a housecat? Hmm. Maybe a monitor lizard, a serval, and a Galapagos Tortoise. I'm leaving out all the big cats (and polar bears), because they would eat me. [p.s. I'm NOT advocating owning exotic pets! Please don't!]

    Oops, I forgot snow skiing and Jeet Kune Do / Gung Fu in #4. Oh well.

    Next person's turn!

  4. Wait, I'm gonna change my answer to #1. Substitute Italian for Brasilian. Italian women are teh hawties!! Turkish aren't bad either. Or Greek. Or Peruvian. Or Vietnamese. Or...

  5. 1. 4 ethnicities to combine for a great looking person.

    American Indian, Spanish, German, Irish.

    2. 4 musicians to put in a 4-piece band to make a great band.

    Uf, where to start. Do we assume they're writing the lyrics/music too? I guess so seeing as it's you asking the question. Aggh, this is so difficult. I'm thinking personality clashes - everyone I like would want to write the lyrics and/or sing.......and it depends on my mood, what type of music to I want them to write. Nick Cave, Nick Drake, PJ Harvey, Brendan Perry, The Manics, Johnny Cash, Chris Cornell all come to mind.Gah.

    3. 4 things to stick on a sandwich for a great sandwich.

    Mayonnaise, boiled egg, lettuce, onion. For example.

    Or if it could be in a pitta bread: felafel, cucumber, natural yoghurt, salad onion.

    4. 4 sports you'd love to be really good at (you're in shape).

    Tennis, first and foremost, then...long distance running, cycling, Karate.

    5. 4 languages you don't speak that you'd like to be fluent in.

    Only four! Hmmm: Arabic, Japanese, Russian, and then something cool like ooh, Elvish, yes.

    6. 4 countries you'd like to see disappear (no one gets hurt).

    Hmm, this is difficult. Every country has something to recommend it. I'd have to say the four greatest polluters/environment destroyers/wildlife killers: USA, China and erm...can't I just get rid of most humans and leave a few of us to tend the animals/plants?

    7. 4 epic movies you could watch all in a row on a free day.
    Epic? Bah, do they have to be. Erm... I can only think of Trilogies. I'll say LOTR plus 300. It was going to be Bladerunner but that didn't feel right after Gandalf et al.

    8. 4 animals that would be fun to have as pets (1 only of each).

    Cat, Tiger, Spanish Lynx, Polar Bear. Possibly not sensible, but challenging at least. And if we're going to be sensible: cat, donkey, goat, aquarium - I've always wanted a wall size done full of fish and plants.

  6. 1. Danish, Italian, Swedish, French
    2. guitar - Eric Clapton, piano - George Winston, cello - Yo Yo ma, violin - Andre Rieu (chamber music group with muscles)
    3. Turkey, cream cheese, cranberry sauce, Pugliese bread
    4. ice skating, in line skating, snow skiing, swimming
    5. French, Portuguese, German, Finnish
    6. Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt (jk), any middle eastern country where we are fighting, so the fighting will end there. I'd say the U.S. except we have such great natural resources! the pop culture can go!!
    7. Lord of the Rings would take all day. Harry Potter would take another day. that's my answer.
    8. Pony, dog, cat, alpaca

  7. Good ones so far, everyone! You guys are pretty creative.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Sorry I had to crrect my comment. Here it is:

    1. 4 ethnicities to combine for a great looking person.

    Egyptian-japanese-mayan-norvegian. Caramell skin, sensualist full lips, greenish blue almond eyes, ginger curly hair, ancient knowledge... ;)

    2. 4 musicians to put in a 4-piece band to make a great band.

    Keith Caputo for male vocalist/keyboards/cello/guitar; Amy Lee (Evanescence) for female vocalist/piano, Vanessa Mae for violin, and Senri a 13 yearz old japanese little girl for drums (

    3. 4 things to stick on a sandwich for a great sandwich.

    Thin slices of smoked ham, pickles, green onion, grated cheese (can be either smoked or blue). And I would use creemy cheese or homemade butter as a base on a soft, freshly baked bread.

    4. 4 sports you'd love to be really good at (you're in shape).

    Latin dances, shooting (with pistol, not bow), a martial art (an "own" style if possible), and rhythmic gymnastics (you know that jumping-turning-spinning-kinda stuff with balls, ropes, ribbons and so, check Anna Bessonova on Youtube).

    5. 4 languages you don't speak that you'd like to be fluent in.

    Spanish, russian, chinese (mandarin), arabic (I could continue). Otherwise: klingon, quenya, antedeluvian, and The Language of Magick. (:DDDD)

    6. 4 countries you'd like to see disappear (no one gets hurt).

    Cannot say one.

    7. 4 epic movies you could watch all in a row on a free day.

    Nightmare on Elm Street (Original versions!!! All of them!!! :D), Ace Ventura Pet Detective (both parts), The Mask, Who Framed Roger Rabbit

    8. 4 animals that would be fun to have as pets (1 only of each).

    Dragon, snake, white tiger, skunk (without the stinky part).

  10. You're always fun, Mandula. Thanks. I knew Keith Caputo would be in there somewhere. Good choice with Amy Lee and the Japanese drummer girl, and it's nice to see you still have trouble telling the difference between real and make-believe (Klingon, dragons, magick, etc.)!!! Hehe.

    Have you looked into Aleister Crowley much? You might be fascinated... but be careful! The same with Lovecraft. Ancient wisdom and insanity are not too different from each other... :)

  11. I'm going to answer again for fun. Pretend I'm my evil twin brother or something.

    1. Irish, Incan, Egyptian, Icelandic.
    2. Harriet Wheeler (The Sundays) on vocals and percussion, Johnny Marr (The Smiths) on guitars, Jack Bruce (Cream) on bass, and Phil Selway (Radiohead) on drums.
    3. Corned beef, cabbage, sun-dried tomatoes, and red onion on a ciabatta roll (lots of mayo and light horseradish as condiments).
    4. Ice hockey, Ultimate Fighting, Beach Volleyball, and Surfing.
    5. Ancient Egyptian, Ancient Sumerian, Ancient Navajo (Anasazi), Elvish (Quenya).
    6. China, India, Mexico, Indonesia (just to cut down the population, nothing against those countries).
    7. Star Wars original trilogy, Indiana Jones 1 & 2, Alien 1 & 2, Predator. If I was still awake, then Apacalypto and the first Matrix.
    8. Big saltwater aquarium that I could walk all the way around, full of cool stuff; Amur Tiger, Snow Leopard, and a Sabertooth Cat!
    Others might be a baby t-rex, an English Bull Terrier, a British Blue cat (super big and cobby, with a bad attitude), a clouded leopard, a mountain lion, a chimp, a bonobo, and a bunch of gibbons. =)

    I think I like this list better than my first! Lol.

  12. Troubles? Me? Mwuahhahhaaa.

    FYI, dragons DO exist; klingon is the second most popular spoken artificial language in the world (quenya is the first, btw), and klingons, of course, DO exist, their empire is in he Beta Quadrant, you can easily check (right bottom of the map): Okay okay, I admit, antediluvian language is lost, but I only need to find a 6000+ yearz old vampire, who can teach it me, that's all. And ANY kind of mage can teach me the language of magick... silly Justin didn't know. :) Never mind, you can always ask me. :DDDDD

    Me thank you. :)))

  13. Sorry to have doubted you!!! :O


  14. 1) four, are you kidding? How would you know what would turn up?
    2) Hah
    3) Peanut butter, banana, lettuce, whip cream.
    4) Swimming, polo, baseball
    5) French, Spanish, German, italian.
    6) All of Africa, Vatican, Iceland ( too much dust)
    7) Cant watch 4 movies in a row, I would eat too much popcorn and blow up.
    8) Dog, cat, porcupine -- nah!
