Thursday, October 14

Aye yai yai...

Looks like Hermione is all grown up!


  1. And busy getting her degree at Brown University. Good girl. Stay out of trouble!

    Hope she follows in Natalie Portman's shoes and not Linday Lohan's. I think she will, she seems very bright with a good head on her shoulders.

  2. Watching Harry Potter will never be the same!

    Wish I looked that good with a crop.

  3. She was pretty brave to go straight to that cut, I think, not know *quite* how it would look. Not much you can do with hair that short if for whatever reason it doesn't work out or look the way you want it.

    Good for her though - I like it a lot. She looks very hip and the Hermione hair was probably driving her nuts, growing up with it as she did for half her life - more than half! Hard to imagine.

    She has a very cute face so she can pull it off whilst still looking very feminine.

    She probably feels freeeee....

    *making me contemplate cutting my hair, though not to that extreme*

  4. Yes, she does look very cut. I've never been that brave, the most I ever got rid of in one go was when I had it chopped to chin length from almost all the way down my back. I've had it short a couple of times, a bad idea, but never cropped.

    I like the idea of doing this, just to see what it looks like, but it would take soooo long to grow out again if it looked crap. And I'm alsmost certain it'd make me look like your stereotypical butch lesbian, as it did when I had a shorter cut. Thank f**k that photo is no longer on my passport.

    You could get your hair cut and post the before and after photos for us :) I liked it when you had it cut short a couple of years back (gosh, or was it even the beginning of 2008?) and chin-length seems to suit you too.

  5. If you do cut your hair short, don't expect to be as cute as H.... (Laughing as I run from Met.)

  6. Don't worry, I wouldn't want to be cute in a feminine way...

    Maybe if I dress up like Ron Weasley she'll marry me!


  7. Definitely takes a pixie face to wear a pixie cut!
    She reminds me of Twiggy!

  8. yea gods... is that REALLY HER?? I know it is but still what an amazing transformation from the little overachiever to what looks to be a lovely young lady who hopefully will stay straight and if she stays in Hollyhell will become a woman to be respected, not jeered.
    Oh and regards to the crop. I'd say one of two things happened. She was either sick of the hair, like Meta said, OR she's got an awesome stylist who could see the end result in his/her head and suggested it. There are some stylists out there who are as talented as many an artist who paints with a brush, they just perform miracles with hair. I think I've hung around Meta too long... my posts are getting longer and longer... Now it's MY turn to duck!! ;)

  9. oh and if you DO get a cut, do put some before and after pics up for us to see :) We need some pics of you to leer at... oh umm I meant look at... lol

  10. Geeez, she looks like (at least) five years older than before... cutie anyways. :)

    And yepp, take those before-after pictures about you! :)))
